Sciencemadness Discussion Board

BBS Policy on selling stuff to members...?

JustMe - 5-10-2003 at 10:52

I just want to know if there is any policy against offering stuff for sale to members. Basically, I'm cleaning out my storage bin and I found my old glassware. There is some pretty good stuff there that I want to get rid of.

So, what d'ya say? Pick one: 1) Allowed to offer it here 2) ebay it 3) throw it out :(

Mumbles - 5-10-2003 at 11:50

I can see problems with all three options posed. One is more of a personal thing, but none the less.

1) The main thing I could see with this is you'd have the home addresses of which ever members you sold to. That would mainly only be a problem if someone was participating in illegal activites(which of course none of us are). However that knowledge being out could be percieved as a bit of a privacy risk.

2) Some jerk off always out bids be at the last second and I get pissed off.

3) Thats a waste of what I assume to be perfectly good glassware.

Ebay would probably be the best option, as long as they don't identify themselves as a member. You could probably get a little extra cash. I personally wouldn't have a problem with someone selling some things on here, but the mods/admins have the final say.

JustMe - 5-10-2003 at 12:47

I'll wait until some administrator advises me. The problem for me with ebay, is I've never SOLD anything at that site, so I have no rating. (Also, I am not registered to sell yet.) So I'd have to first sell a bunch of less valuable items just to get a rating... have to hold off on the "good stuff" for awhile (Rare Sci-fi collectibles I'm no longer collecting, for instance... and, now that I found it, the glassware. Including a ground glass reflux). I just might do that, now that I've got my new computer working.

I am a member of another, computer-oriented, BBS. Although the administrator was not too keen on buying and selling, it was permitted. In the end a Buy/Sell forum was eventually incorporated. I suppose it helped that the memberships were closed and so it is a tight-knit community with no shennanigans.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw this out there and see if it stuck.

Orphan Glassware

Blind Angel - 5-10-2003 at 13:17

I started a new organism today dedicated on giving a second chance to Orphan Glassware, the BOGH (Blind Orphan Glassware Help) will be proud receiver of your delested glassware :P

Go ahead

Polverone - 5-10-2003 at 19:23

But buyer and seller - both beware. Ebay has at least minimal protections against fraud. I can offer nothing.

JustMe - 6-10-2003 at 03:44

Ok, understood. What I'll do is when I get the chance I'll classify what I have, what condition it is in (throwing out anything that is broken) and look on ebay for similiar stuff to determine a reasonable price. I'll probably separate it into two batches. If I can borrow a digital camera I'll see if I can post pictures (I don't know how to do that, but I'm sure someone can explain it to me). Anyone following this thread with interest will have to be a bit patient. I'm in the middle of home renovation and also working two jobs, so it could be a little while. Finally I'll have to figure out how to package it for sending. I've noticed that this BBS has a lot of members overseas, so I'm going to investigate the particulars of such shipping with a friend who works at FedEx.

I strongly believe in recycling and keeping stuff out of the landfills as long as possible. So when I have things I can't sell I donate them to a local thrift shop. I've found that even old obsolete computers are snapped up this way. Anyway, when I've got the information together I'll start another thread with the items themselves, along with terms and conditions. And if anyone wants it, so much the better.

Hermes_Trismegistus - 28-11-2003 at 23:42

LABX !!!! ;)