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Author: Subject: Novice here...

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[*] posted on 19-10-2003 at 19:05
Novice here...

I was just reviewing your forums and I must say I am impressed by the level of refinement I see in most of these posts. Normally when I try to learn about subjects involving highly exothermic chemistry and the like I get crap like the anarchist cookbook. I was hoping to figure out the background of some of the people here since I must admit I am jealous. I am in the third year of attaining my degree in Chemistry, but some of the material here seems pretty damn complicated. Am I safe in assuming that most of the people here have higher level degrees or years of experience? Anybody care to mention how they got started?
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Blind Angel
National Hazard

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[*] posted on 19-10-2003 at 21:17

I didn't even started my grade in chemistry, Philou is a Engineer in chemistry, there is a big the range here...

Btw: you could have post this in miscellenous :P

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smile.gif posted on 19-10-2003 at 21:45
background info

I started out not evan a year ago. I always liked fire when I was very young(5). Then I started to make black powder, smoke bombs, shells, Bp flash crackers... and i was hooked ! At first the Blackpowder was shitty and very slow burning. I had to find a way of making it burn fierce. When I masted Blackpowder I was happy. And i decided to get into more chemistry. When ever I go to my grandpa's he tells me the stories of when he use to make Murcurry fulmanate, TNT, Cellulose nitrate, ANFO, and Nitroglyserine. He also told me how he worked in the army, instaling the barramitors on the attomic bombs so they would explode at 2,000 feet.

Wow, that was long..;)
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Moderately Insane

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[*] posted on 19-10-2003 at 22:34

I have never taken one chem. class but have been learning on my own for about three years with the help of great forums like this one and many many books on these feilds of chem.
I dont know much about chem. actually but I know how to or have (in a dream) made almost every type of civialian explosive known.
I'm not good at most chem. but I'm good at what I do. Theres always time to learn more.........

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National Hazard

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[*] posted on 20-10-2003 at 01:13

A lot of us are high school students, as you see- enrolled in general Chem or "Advanced Placement Chemistry" (equivalent to Chem 101).

As for me, I am also a student, enrolled in AP Chem. However, I have always had a mischievous side, and thus the "mad science" and "rogue science" have appealed to me. It forms a loop, the Orthodox Chemistry, as taught in school, increases my understanding in our Mad Chemistry here, and then the Mad Chemistry gives me a greater understanding of Orthodox Chemistry.

I must say though, to all those who have not yet taken Chemistry in school... It will greatly increase your respect for this subject!

No, we're not all Chemical Engineers or Biochemists. We're just a bunch of hobbyists with time to research the material :)
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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 20-10-2003 at 03:04
Probably taking a risk posting but...

I'm kinda like the embasedor of BS to madsci(just like one- serve absolutly no purpose).I found science madness during the DPPP craze and registred since someguy from TOTSE was saying something about BS and for whatever reason I've stuck around.
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[*] posted on 20-10-2003 at 10:13

I'm redoing my first year of university chemistry because of maths....

No, I don't want to talk about how bad math sucks. Atleast I have some motivation left now...

One shouldn't accept or resort to the mutilation of science to appease the mentally impaired.
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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 20-10-2003 at 11:28

You're not the exception Vulture, I heard that most people who fail in chemistry don't fail because of lack in their abilities in chemistry but because of maths. At least in Germany :).
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Blind Angel
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[*] posted on 20-10-2003 at 12:25

Yeah F*cking math, i flunk them too.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 20-10-2003 at 14:06

There might be some areas where I could use Calc III but I'll be damned if I come into an are where I NEED it. Thats one of the things preventing me from graduation, need some more calc for my degree, Chemistry ACS accredited.
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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 21-10-2003 at 04:51

I also had to repeat maths, and it had cost me a year too...


Its really useful, but you need ages to really discover it for yourself.

[Edited on 21-10-2003 by BASF]

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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 22-10-2003 at 20:35
welcome DarkVigilante. enjoy this wonderful forum

when I was a kid I loved science but happened to be somewhat pyromanic. I didn't have any books about fireworks or energetic materials I used to start reading chemistry books and gradually increased their level. amusingly found some info on exlposives from general chemistry books (that was befre going to high school!) but when I found access to internet started to search for more advanced info. just a few years ago if you searched for explosives and their needed chemicals hoping to find a procedure, you would mostly find kewl text files. I didn't know their being famous for being so crap. fortunately I could distinguish the right stuff from crap (after all not all of them were useless).
one day when searching for "HMX"+"paraformaldehyde"+"acetic anhydride"+"nitric acid"+"ammonium nitrate" on google I found Megalomania's site, and E & W forum. I don't know why I didn't register that time but followed it all the time and learned a lot also found many links to useful informative sites such as orgsynth, alt.engr.explosives, patent offices...
this site took my attention because I love the science behind enrgetic materials just as much (if not more)
now I'm experiencing my first <b>month</b> at university (applied chemistry)

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