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Impact sensitive
Dose any one know what substance is in
Bang snaps?(a small firwork that makes a snap! when thrown on a hard surface)they are composed of a crystal like substance twisted up in a small piece
of tissue paper. Just something that came up in a conversation with a close friend and now its driving me nuts!
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I use to know but I forgot.
I would say it could be a mix of Potassium chlorate and sugar?
Then it is coated onto those rough rocks for the friction.
Mr. Wizard
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bang snaps
IIRC they contain 'fulminating silver' which is not the same as Silver Fulminate.
There was an old potassium chlorate / red phosphorus pyrotechnic mix that was used in similar toy. They were much more powerful, and dangerous.
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You can make your own quite easily, don't use the fulminate, use silver acetylide, made by passing acetylene through a solution of silver nitrate
and ammonia. A dense precipitate forms which can be filtered and dried. Mix the dried prec with grit to increase sensitivity (carefully!). The ones
I've made are more like bang grenades than snaps!!!
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Wizard: Those Chlorate/RP ones you speak of are called 'Torpedos'. I have made a version of them using a similar mixture, and they are,
indeed very sensitive and quite scary for that reason, which is the same reason I stopped playing with them.
Blaster: There was some mention in an old Skylighter bulliten of silver acetylide bang snaps. The guy would take, IIRC, a paper towel, pour in a
scoop of pea gravel, then a bit of SA, and twist up the end. They were reportedly quite higher powered by the 'snap-n-pops'.
Impact sensitivity, a novelty that will eventually cost you your fingertips.
Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.
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Mr. Wizard
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I do remember them being called torpedos. I just wasn't sure. They are to be avoided, as any chlorate RP mix!
tom haggen
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bang snaps
when i was younger like 10 or something i unraveled like 80 of those bang snaps(fulminating silver). and filled a film container full of them. I was
going to drop it from a 3 story window, and friction intervened, .0002 seconds later it felt like it got hit on the finger tip with a ball pien hammer
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With the assistance of someone more experienced and more properly equipped I made impact torpedoes with a 50-50 mixture of KClO3 and Sb2S3. I was
warned many times about the sensitivity of the mixture yet still managed to have one go off as it left my hand. It was an interesting experiment, at
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What your referring to I'm guessing, could also be, Nitrogen Triiodide, I do believe...which there is a synthesis for it in the crapbook. Which
is where a lot of kids, end up referring to, and blowing a finger/arm off, there is another reference at megalomania's site here that has better choices than the crap book as far as "keep adding the crystals until they won't add anymore", that just
doesn't seem right to me, I hear they are very sensitive to friction and leave Iodine stains, anywhere from brown to purple, the stains do go
away when the Iodine sublimes, I do believe.
::EDIT:: Forgot to mention, it goes by the name of ammonium triiodide as well.
[Edited on 17-12-2003 by flashpoint]
[Edited on 17-12-2003 by flashpoint]
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By the way, I typed in the name and pulled up this site, showing how sensitive it is, by showing you how it can be detonated. Scary.
Set off by the touch of a feather, literally!
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Really now, those posts were a minute apart. You could of just edited them into the first one. It shows you edited a few times so it's obvious
you know how to.
There is no way that NI<sub>3</sub> is in the bang snaps. They would go off in the package without a doubt. That compound is far to
sensitive for any practical use other than demonstration. Perhaps scaring a person now and then.
I've personally always heard that it is silver fulminate, not fulminating silver. Let me go see if we still have a package left over from last
4th of July.
This site shows the use of Silver Fulminate:
[Edit] No go on the package
[Edited on 12-18-2003 by Mumbles]
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You are correct. Yeah I didn't feel like clustering that all in there.
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I agree nitrogen triiodide cannot be the substance. When I tried to synthesize some for demonstration purposes, using very pure chemicals, as soon as
the ammonia evaporated, the crystals started to do "pap" and "crack" all by themselves, just standing in the vessel. There are
several recipes for bang snaps, however, and the most frequently encountered one is made with Ag-fulminate. Hg-fulminate can be used, with good
results, but should be avoided because of extreme toxicity of free Hg which is liberated on explosion. Upon ignition of a minute amount of
Hg-fulminate, one immediately sees a beautiful shining metallic "mirror" of free Hg around the ignition site. The air around would contain
lots of free Hg as well, so don't inhale it!
Peroxyacetone is also impact-sensitive and much easier to make, but in order to make the device safe, only very small amounts should be used.
However, when I tried this a long time ago, PA disappeared from the paper package the next day. My guess was that it either evaporated or degraded
into other volatile compounds. Later, I confirmed this by letting a small amount of PA stand in the air: the amount was continuously reduced and
finally completely disappeared in a week. This does not happen to fulminates.
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you are searching for torpedoes !
u might be looking for torpedoes.consult this book
by Tenny L. Devis
it has a detailed on pyrotechnic devices where u can find its construction.
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I always thought that it was silver acetylide in the small bang snaps....it was coated onto rocks...unless i am mistaken
[Edited on 18-1-2004 by FrKoNaLeaSh101]
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Dont even get me started bout AP!!
AP/PA/meh is no where near sensitive enough for that and btw when mixed with AL it's no where near safe enough to keep around(foudn it out the
hard way round 4 days ago)..
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Quote: | Originally posted by Haggis
Wizard: Those Chlorate/RP ones you speak of are called 'Torpedos'. I have made a version of them using a similar mixture, and they are,
indeed very sensitive and quite scary for that reason, which is the same reason I stopped playing with them.
Torpedos are made of KClO3/antimony trisulfide too.
Blaster: There was some mention in an old Skylighter bulliten of silver acetylide bang snaps. The guy would take, IIRC, a paper towel, pour in a
scoop of pea gravel, then a bit of SA, and twist up the end. They were reportedly quite higher powered by the 'snap-n-pops'.
Impact sensitivity, a novelty that will eventually cost you your fingertips. |
-Jsmooth744-dead sexy dont fuck with it....
Mr. Wizard
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torpedo hazard reminder
I went to the radio amateur swap meet today and saw an old ham (60+ years) who was missing all his left hand and had two fingers attached to his
right wrist. He used to sell brochures on making RP & PC torpedos at the swap meet. I asked him what happened. One slip and he can't wipe
his ass anymore. BTW he was always 'very careful'. Keep your experiments small and safe. We don't need any more one eyed one handed
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I was bored one day so I put 6g of AP between two quarters and taped the brim. I threw it with all my might up into the air........nothing happend. I
picked the lil thing up and tried again this time throwing it more vertical(about a 75 degree angle) and it worked. It was loud as hell being only a
couple feet away from me on the other side of a 10 foot high wall(you dont think I'd let it detonate right infront of me do yeh?) I hate AP and
wouldn't use it for anything but it did work. Use Lead styphnate instead. Peroxides suck.
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\"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation.\"
\"A fool would rather not question, a soldier is taught not to question, a slave dares not question.\"
\"To fight for nothing is to love nothing, to die for something is to have lived for something.\"