Hazard to Others
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Porno for pyros, post a good video
Meanwhile I am getting there, the powdered Al I learned to make for the thermite project lead to KNO3 flash and that is some interesting stuff.
Wrapped some in foil, little photon torpedoes that stuff is bright. It set off the motion light from 700 meters away as measured from Google Earth,
those things are heat detectors so the heat did it unless the visible light flash triggered it by making it daylight for a second and just tripped it.
Anyway this video just motivated me to get better at chemistry and keep going.
International Hazard
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Over use of salutes kinda killed the effects, and diminished them, other wise some very creative shells
Hazard to Others
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I kinda liked that end of shell poof that said its over next.
Try this one, lots of color and total mayhem
Hazard to Others
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There's no doubt the Japanese know what they are doing with pyrotech, but the clarity of colours they are getting is just jawdropping.
Any insiders care to elaborate on the current state of the art to achieving such clarity and brilliance?
[Edited on 2-1-2020 by Chemetix]
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There's some colours there I have not seen in fireworks before.
Thanks fopr that!
Hazard to Others
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The video was created using a fireworks simulation software tool called FWsim. The software allows users to create their own fake fireworks
“shows” complete with iconic background locations and synchronised audio.
Hazard to Others
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Mood: Wavering between lucidity and madness
Well there you go, it didn't seem right for some reason. I had watched a Japanese shell competition only a little bit before and there was very little
smoke, so I didn't pick up on that aspect. I should have left the sound on ( that would have been the penny drop moment). Watching on a work computer
has it's limitations.
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Those perfect rainbows and that lemon yellow/cyan/magenta combo had to be too good to be true.
International Hazard
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Too bad, really thought for a moment my eyes had something truly incredible to see, a goal to reproduce and witness in person. Hate that old too good
to be true saying.
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A finnish exploding a 5 meter dynamite stick and filmed with a slow motion camera
[Edited on 19-1-2020 by mekanochemical]
Hue Hue Hue
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in the Run, Do Not Walk, To The Nearest Exit category:
A traffic accident spills cylinders of compressed gas on the road, hilarity ensues.... high points include multiple cylinders gone rocket, the first
responder noping out, and the car alarm in the background that keeps getting tripped by the explosions:
BLEVE compilation... watch train cars get tossed like matchsticks!
al-khemie is not a terrorist organization
"Chemicals, chemicals... I need chemicals!" - George Hayduke
"Wubbalubba dub-dub!" - Rick Sanchez
Hazard to Others
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The picric acid video Awsome
detonography IV
Super ! That is
International Hazard
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Miss LL. Hope he comes back... he was the Tesla of this forum.
Herr Haber
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On the picric acid video he dips a metal spatula while recrystalizing. Oopsie
The spirit of adventure was upon me. Having nitric acid and copper, I had only to learn what the words 'act upon' meant. - Ira Remsen
Hazard to Self

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[Edited on 24-4-2020 by Nitrosio]
International Hazard
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Massive explosion in Beirut port; Lebanese authorities are saying that it was a fireworks shipment, which seems consistent with the small flashes
& flares beforehand
al-khemie is not a terrorist organization
"Chemicals, chemicals... I need chemicals!" - George Hayduke
"Wubbalubba dub-dub!" - Rick Sanchez
Hazard to Others
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Mood: Became chemistry catboy Vtuber Nyaa
looks like LNG or something
[Edited on 4-8-2020 by mysteriusbhoice]