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Which is your year of birth?
The age poll is revived, but that thread is already 7 years old. Age changes in time, so it does not make sense if people now add their votes to that
old poll. For this reason I make a new poll, but now based on year of birth.
I am wondering from which period there are most people. I am from the year 1966 and at the time of writing this post I am 45 years old. I have the
feeling that I belong to the group of older members.
[Edited on 27-4-11 by woelen]
Arthur Dent
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Slowly getting close to the big 5-0... Scary thought that time goes by so fast. I was fascinated by chemistry in my early days after college, where I
had cool chemistry teachers that gave us quite a bit of latitude when experimenting (and gathering reagents).
But I put everything away for many decades before my interest in chemistry was revived by interesting "gold salvaging" experiments and home
brewing/distilling. So my current interest is tangible and useful, it's not just youthful experimentation, I actually am in the process of
accomplishing concrete experiments that have either an interesting monetary purpose, or a very flavorful, hoppy result! 
Using my limited knowledge just for cool, what-the-heck experiment is also fun too! LOL
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Hazard to Others
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I'm 46. I've resurrected a past hobby.
Hey Woelen and Arthur Dent, it's good to see you're from my generation too...except we're separated by nations. Hey Dent i' m from Canada too... But
living in the USA. I love reading up on both your comments. thanks guys!
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Soon to be 26 and looking forward/hoping to visit this forum for many years to come.
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National Hazard
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I'm just turning 18! I feel pretty young for this forum and know I know far less then the senior members here, but I'm pretty sure I'll be here for
quite a while
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Early results suggest a bimodal distribution (no one born in the 1970s here? really?). Very interesting.
International Hazard
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Interesting bimodal distribution we are developing here. Am I really the only one from 1970-1979?
[edit] Sh*t, Bbartlog, I just noticed your post 
[Edited on 28-4-2011 by Ozone]
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Great minds think alike...
I'm 25 as of 2011. I guess I'm in the majority. (For now )
[Edited on 28-4-2011 by Bot0nist]
U.T.F.S.E. and learn the joys of autodidacticism!
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Wow, almost a text book bimodal distribution. Interesting.... Guess that makes me average - I'm 25.
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National Hazard
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Coverage is an pretty good reproduction of the age/population graphs for north America, which would suggest that the forum gets about the same
percentage of people from each age division.
Add ten years to this graph and see how they match;
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Is it just me, or has it not dawned on anyone yet that a 6 year old couldn't possibly use the internet
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I believe woelen included that category for the same reason that the other 'age' poll was obsolete. Because in a few years this thread may still be
active, and the now 6 year olds may then be of posting age.
[Edited on 28-4-2011 by Bot0nist]
U.T.F.S.E. and learn the joys of autodidacticism!
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I don't think asking your year of birth or age makes a difference. You want a snapshot at one point in time instead of a continuous poll. I would
expect the average age to remain fairly constant
I am glad to see the majority of people here are my age. I think its a combination of several factors:
1) Maturity. No longer interested in being a kewl or a druggie. Several of our younger members are exceptionally mature though
2) Education. Graduated from or still in college/university
3) Money. So expensive!
4) Independence. Have a lot of free time, not starting a family
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At next birthday — think consensual sodomy.
I wouldn't be this old if — had my mother had said NO.
Hazard to Others
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I'm with Ozone. The 1970's must have not produced to many of us interested in chemistry?
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Fifty nos and a yes still means yes!
U.T.F.S.E. and learn the joys of autodidacticism!
Don't judge each day only by the harvest you reap, but also by the seeds you sow.
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The distribution which I now see building up is something which I did not expect, but I can explain it though. I expected a peak around 25 and a slow
decline at increasing age, but what is interesting is to see a second peak around around the age of 45 years.
The youngest members are in their teens. They are many of them who are interested in science, some of them in a kewlish way, others more seriously,
but few know of sciencemadness. The really interested people among them eventually will find sciencemadness when they persist and move on to their
twenties. The largest group are the people in the first half of their twenties. These are the people, who usually have most time and do not yet have a
family, a demanding career, and a mortgage with the associated duties which make having time consuming hobbies more difficult. At the same time they
have some money to spend, albeit limited due to studies and living out of the parent's house. Their relative freedom however more than compensates the
lack of money and the really enthusiasts among them can find money for experimenting anyway (a matter of taking the right priorities ).
The number of people, active in home chemistry then quickly declines when people move on to their second half of their twenties. I personally have
seen a few people quit at that age, due to the starting of a family, buying their first house, starting a career.
Then there is a dip in the group of people in their thirties. That is the most occupied group, having kids, a demanding career, all kinds of social
ties and financial duties.
In the group from 1960 ... 1969 you see that many of them have older children, have less financial duties and larger financial resources and have more
time for hobbies. The next two groups are smaller again, but that can be explained because in this group there is a lower involvement in internet
affairs like forums, youtube channels etc.
What I see over here, I also see in the church where I am active. Most people who actively contribute to the church (e.g. organizing events, helping
out with activities) are young enthusiast people in the age between 20 and 25 and people with more time and resources at an age of 45+. The people in
the age of 30 .. 40 simply are too occupied and they hardly contribute and just visit services on Sundays and little else. I have seen many of these
'inactive' people become more active 10 years later while some of the young enthusiasts of 10 years ago now are fully occupied by all their other
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Some age groups could be less inclined to participate in polls...
National Hazard
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24 here. Part of the majority is seems (so far)
“If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found
the object of his search.
I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor.”
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I guess I am one of the youngest here (14).
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The difference between chemists and chemical engineers: Chemists use test tubes, chemical engineers use buckets.
International Hazard
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I was assuming that the spike we see in age grouping could be due to youthful enthusiasm for the younger crowd and more people born around the 60's
are setup working in the field of chemistry meaning one would expect a spike around this time.
Knowledge is useless to useless people...
"I see a lot of patterns in our behavior as a nation that parallel a lot of other historical processes. The fall of Rome, the fall of Germany — the
fall of the ruling country, the people who think they can do whatever they want without anybody else's consent. I've seen this story
before."~Maynard James Keenan
Mr. Wizard
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I'm 63.
National Hazard
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it's just you young'n. my six year old daughter uses the internet fairly proficiently (with proper supervision of course). kids are great that way!
they are only as limited as the teaching their parents give. at this age they are little sponges that absorb everything they come into contact with.
they have an appetite for knowledge like phosphorus pentoxide has for moisture.
it seems as if the 70's are under represented a bit here. well throw my 37 year old ass into the mix!
International Hazard
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My kids been playing on since he was 2.5-3 years old.... That includes starting the computer... putting in the PW,,, opening IE and imputing to get to his games...
He has been using the computer before he could speak. We worried he could never speak but with his computer abilitys I was assured there was nothing
truely wrong with him.
Knowledge is useless to useless people...
"I see a lot of patterns in our behavior as a nation that parallel a lot of other historical processes. The fall of Rome, the fall of Germany — the
fall of the ruling country, the people who think they can do whatever they want without anybody else's consent. I've seen this story
before."~Maynard James Keenan
Hazard to Others
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Well woelen i think your perception it spot on.
looks like i am an old barsted around here born 1963
regards azo
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