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some important questions to answer
Hi there !
I decided to drop you a line because I am fourteen-year-old boy keen on chemistry. I ’m especially interested in making high explosive
compounds. I am going to join your forum.
I’m scared of distilling H2SO4 + KNO3 mixture because of appearing NO2 (highly toxic gas), so I haven’ t got any concentrated nitric
acid. Last time I have visited your site, someone mentioned the topic of making PETN with H2SO4 + KNO3 mixture. Could similiar composition, be used
to make nitroglycerine or guncotton but with more H2SO4 ? I also have some Ca(NO3)2 ,so I probably try the method mentioned there a few months ago (
Ca(NO3)2 + H2SO4 = CaSO4↓ + HNO3 ) with a pumice as a filter. I think it is made from glass so it won’t react with concentrated nitric
I have a lot of H2SO4 so this method is wonderful for me.
My second problem is that I want to make some MMAN . I haven’t got any methylamine available, but in an old experiment book I found a
reaction of formaldehyde with any amonium salt to form a salt of methylamine. Could I make methylamine nitrate simply, just by boiling a 37% solution
of formaldehyde with amonium nitrate ?
The third thing I’ d like to know is with which oxidant is it better to mix TATP (triacetone triperoxide)? I use it in blasting caps, but it
has to be 3/8 call or up in diameter. When it is not compressed to a 3/8 or up pipe its detonation is very often not complete. What can I do with this
At least I’ ve got an idea of non conventional method of making EGDN or ethylene glycol dinitrate. In my opinion, when etin is dissolved in
less concentrated nitric acid, reaction like this should look like :
C2H2 + 2HNO3 = C2H4(ONO2)2
Does it work?
Best wishes:

National Hazard
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You have more sense than I did at 14.
NO2 is very toxic, yes. Unfortunatly, if you dont find a way to handle gases like this safely you will go nowhere in chemistry. NO2 can be produced
very rapidly during a failed nitration and in amounts much much larger than you would see normally during making nitric acid.
Make small amounts, when the major accident comes, and eventually it will, hopefully it will be small.
Ethene and nitric acid tends to give partially nitrated products, possibly with nitro compounds too. Electrolytic nitration with ethene produces a
mess of the dinitrate, nitro-nitrate and dinitro.
IMHO, TATP is far too unstable chemically and physically to make blasting caps out of. The whole point after all is to minimise the risk, you have a
large amount of a secondary which on its own is virtually safe, and a small amount of a reliable initiator that constitutes the cap. If the cap
cannot be relied upon it undermines the safety of the whole process.
Its tempting to make something simply because you can, ie its easy. This is something you will either grow out of or lose body parts to.
Hazard to Others
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Welcome to the forum! I am 14 as well but I am only making things like copper carbonate and other less energetic compounds untill I have a lot
more experiance. If you have never made any HEs before you might want to make some thermite before jumping in. There is a whole thread around here
about them. Read the thread about ventalation or do your nitrations outside away from people. Building a water trap will help contain any
NO<sub>2</sub> fumes.
Good Luck!
What if, what is isn\'t true?
Moderately Insane
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Heksogen, Once you feel grounded in chemistry alittle and you understand and most of all respect explosives, using the sulfuric acid/KNO3 method for
making both NG and NC are very simple. And the end result is the most fun Have
\"People fear from ignorance what they do not have the intelligence to understand\"
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Sir Dudalot
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Ah, I love someone who's hungry for knowledge. I've done many test involving AP and different diameters and I've found that it
detonates consistently (every time I tried) and completely every time I used it in a straw as a form of det cord. I've used lengths up to a foot
and had complete detonation. I'm not real sure on the diameter of the straws but I'd say they're about an 1/8 in. (1.5mm). It's
stupid to ask but I'm assuming you pressed your AP into the 3/8 in. container. When I say pressed I don't neccesarily (sp?) mean
thoroughly, I just gently press my AP seeing as it's so sensitive.
As for XNO3/H2SO4 nitrations just visit a few members sites and you'll get an idea of it. They're really simple and most of the time
you'll get pretty good yields (at least decent unless you screw something up).
<a href=\"http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/dudalot\">Videos and a few procedures.</a>
\"Dirt is too valuable to just throw away.\" -my dad, and he was serious.
Moderately Insane
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I once made 3 feet of detcord using clear rubber tubing about half inch in diameter. Be very careful, no better yet dont make det cord with AP ever
again. I've heard bad things about it because the AP molecules rub on eachother with alot of pressure every time you bend or flew the cord. My
det cord also completely detonated but wasnt as powerful as NG based det.cord. If you must make det.cord with AP, do not press it at all. pressing
will stress it more. Only press when it is in a rigid container(PVC, cardboard, etc.)
\"People fear from ignorance what they do not have the intelligence to understand\"
\"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation.\"
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Hi ! ;-)
I have made a detonating cord once. I used a drink-straw filled with compressed TATP. The primer was a 50/50 mixture of potassium chlorate with
sugar. I placed it on the concrete and lit the black powder fuse. A few seconds later I heard a loud explosion, but half of the staw was undetonated.
Maybe the TATP wasn’t enaugh dry. Sometimes I mixed it with potassium chlorate and I haven’t got any problems. Once I made a shaped charge
from about 25!!! grams of it and blow it on a 5 mm duraluminnium sheet. The result was amazing. The sheet that was about 12*12cm and it teared to
several pieces. The noice was like a silent clap of hands! Perhaps I would borrow a digital camera from my friend so I would make some photograps of
the pieces.
One more note about TATP : the acetone peroxide I use to make is very stable! Why? After adding the sulphuric acid I put it into a refrigerator for
about 24 hours. Next I filter it through a coffee filter paper and wash the crystals with sodium carbonate solution several times . Then I give it a
final wash of clear water and let it dry.
Lastly, could you give me some knowledge about making , handling etc. of concentrated nitric acid ?
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Would you give me some adresses of HE sites of the members of this forum?
Hazard to Others
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16 here
I think Nick F had a site callled flashbang boom or something like that.
Go with ammonium nitrate for the AP.equal amounts(by weight)are nearly the same as straight AP while at 20/80 or 10/90 it needs about a gram of
straight AP to go of.
Moderately Insane
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Hope I can help
You can learn how to build anything with the help of thses sites. My thanks goes out to any of the individuals that have created these wonderful
\"People fear from ignorance what they do not have the intelligence to understand\"
\"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation.\"
\"A fool would rather not question, a soldier is taught not to question, a slave dares not question.\"
\"To fight for nothing is to love nothing, to die for something is to have lived for something.\"
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13 here
http://www.totse.com is a good site for high explosives mixtures it even shows how you can make hmx & rdx
International Hazard
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TOTSE is one of those standard anarchist sites—the type that says water is an HE. If yo want <i>real</i> information on HEs and related
things, this is where you belong.
Forum Gatekeeper
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Totse is crap. The fact that you mention this site shows you have no real understanding of HE's or LE's whatsoever.
One shouldn't accept or resort to the mutilation of science to appease the mentally impaired.