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Hazard to Self

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A ram of some kind could be useful. Perhaps a harpoon shaped ram to tear the skin of the craft until the electronics are no longer useable.
Hazard to Others
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Quote: Originally posted by Praxichys  | Am I reading serious suggestions about floating an RC boat with a gun on it, where it can point anywhere as the boat drives around, and the trigger is
subject to radio interference at commonly used frequency? Or triggered by a controller that might get damaged in the battle? Do I even have to explain
how absurdly dangerous that is?? Have you ever seen a bullet fired at a low incidence angle skip right off the surface of a lake? I hope this body of
water is miles from civilization... and you! |
Some of my more dangerous suggestions were simply as a joke, especially the self-destruct system.
I would expect a regular member on these forums and his friends would be smart enough to take safety measures for shrapnel and such (Blast shielding,
You could replace the sodium in the mines with a small blasting cap and a shaped charge, if you took measures to protect yourself from shrapnel, of
"Is this even science anymore?!"
Hazard to Others
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Has anyone thought of using thermite to destroy the enemy boat? A small bag or packet of thermite attached to a segment of a drinking straw and backed
with adhesive could be fitted with some sort of pull-fuse. The straw could be slipped onto a stick attached to your boat, and a piece of string could
connect the pull fuse to the hull. To attack the enemy vessel, the thermite bag-on-a-stick could be rammed into the enemy, and then you could quickly
pull your boat away. The drinking straw would allow the thermite bag to remain on the enemy boat, and as you retreat, the pull fuse would be
activated, causing the thermite reaction to begin.
Fear is what you get when caution wasn't enough.
Hazard to Others
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Quote: Originally posted by Awesomeness  | Has anyone thought of using thermite to destroy the enemy boat? A small bag or packet of thermite attached to a segment of a drinking straw and backed
with adhesive could be fitted with some sort of pull-fuse. The straw could be slipped onto a stick attached to your boat, and a piece of string could
connect the pull fuse to the hull. To attack the enemy vessel, the thermite bag-on-a-stick could be rammed into the enemy, and then you could quickly
pull your boat away. The drinking straw would allow the thermite bag to remain on the enemy boat, and as you retreat, the pull fuse would be
activated, causing the thermite reaction to begin. |
Thats a good idea, maybe you could have an array of 1 ft metal poles mounted horizontally 6 in above the "deck" of the ship along its sides. You
could have a fuse wrapped around the poles suspending a bag of an incendiary mixture, corroding chemicals, or even an explosive! The fuse could be
easily ignited at your own ship's end of the pole, dropping the payload and igniting any incendiaries & explosives.
"Is this even science anymore?!"
National Hazard
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I am pretty sure he will have few layers of protection.
Such as aluminum foil/ carbon fiber glass etc.
Any idea how to break through these? Some explosives and shaped charges sounds promising although I hate going too serious since we're just doing it
for fun.
Script Kiddie Asshole
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What about a cannon? Fire steel balls at your opponent, just attach it on the front of the ship and when you're certain you will hit and sink it fire.
Hazard to Others
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I suggested something like that, Manifest. Look at the earlier posts.
I was also thinking of a projectile that a large cannon could shoot, that would basically be an arrowhead but much stronger and heavier. The
arrowhead would embed itself inside the enemy ship, and would have a kevlar cord attached at the back leading to your own ship. The kevlar cord at
your ship's end will be attached to a small anchor, which you release when you see the arrowhead successfully embedded itself into the enemy ship. The
anchor would fall to the bottom of the body of water(In this case the hooks on the anchor would attach to something and completely destroy the ship's
mobility) or float as far down as possible before the enemy ship's buoyancy suspends it( which would only allow it to travel in circles). 
Also, please post videos.
"Is this even science anymore?!"
Hazard to Others
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This would probably be very impractical, but what about a semi submersed boat, similar to a u-boat? This way you could locate your electronics under
water and very few of his weapons would be nearly as effective user the water. For instance, rockets, spears, and low explosives will all be easy to
defend against.
This way you could ram the opponents boats and maybe even flip it over, depending on how fast your boat is.
Hazard to Others
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I would install a waterproofed (splash proof) dremel tool to make holes in your enemies ship.
Forum Drunkard
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I could actually do what the OP suggested that they want.
The implications are rather too HUGE to contemplate though.
A remote controlled, armed system, remotely Fired does not need to be limited by it's Size, does it ?
A 2x Laptop sized system can scale to a Supertanker very easily.
Beware people.
What may appear to be a request for a 'Fun Game' one-off system could easily be a request for a remotely controlled weapons platform.
Discussing the effectiveness of weaponry and chemistry in this context is somewhat Insane, especially for you people in the USA.
Forum Drunkard
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Perhaps you USA dwellers are unclear about what is going on, due to media filtering.
Most of the world Outside the USA wants the USA to disappear.
Quite a large chunk of the World population are SO pissed off with US 'foreign policy' that they want the US dead, as in 'no longer living'.
Some have dedicated their lives to that aim.
The USA is no longer THE SuperPower.
It's a has-been, much like Great Britain.
Currently China has more USD than the US has - it could easily buy the USA, in US $.
Postage may be a problem, as would somewhere to put it.
Basically you're at War (US people) and your Gov agencies will take a very dim view of US Citizens Publicly suggesting ways to mash up their new
Aluminium war fleet (=traitor =old sparky chair).
I know it's a Fun topic, but please cover your asses (think before posting suggestions), or prepare to get thoroughly buggered by the NSA, CIA, FBI
and DEA in turn, repeatedly.
Script Kiddie Asshole
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Aga, I think you've been watching too much Alex Jones again.
Hazard to Others
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It is true that the three-letter agencies track internet posts at will, it would be naive to think otherwise. They didn't spend over 2 billion
dollars on a massive computer facility to just sit around and laugh at the fact that they have the ability to completely survey people's lives,
completely invading their privacy. The days of 1984 are in fact upon us, but that doesn't mean we should stop exercising our rights, and posting on
these forums about what we love to do. I do use firefox and HTTPS everywhere to help, but I know that if they wanted, they could track me.
Anyways, back on topic. I would recommend watching these videos . They use CO2-propelled ball bearings to sink other ships, which are sold on several different sites
just for this sport.
"Is this even science anymore?!"
Hazard to Others
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A light gas gun would work, to pierce the hull. You might only get one shot per chamber, but it's doable with off-the-shelf materials. A small charge,
lit electrically, in a steel barrel with a temper (aluminum foil) leading to a steel nail in a well machined chamber will launch with excessive force,
and blow right through anything. A few of these could be loaded on your boat. Aimed down, it'd blow through electronics, battery packs, and the hull.
But to simplify, shoot BBs with a paintball mechanism, with chamber. You could fit a few 'rounds' on a single boat, with a servo feeding a paintball
gun's trigger mechanism with steel BBs, in a matching-sized barrel tailored to the maximum velocity based on the amount of gas delivered per shot. No
as effective, but easier to use.
A *far* easier thing to do is either impede the competition with yarn, tangling/obstructing the prop, OR simply flip the other guy's boat.
National Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by Praxichys  | Am I reading serious suggestions about floating an RC boat with a gun on it, where it can point anywhere as the boat drives around, and the trigger is
subject to radio interference at commonly used frequency? Or triggered by a controller that might get damaged in the battle? Do I even have to explain
how absurdly dangerous that is?? Have you ever seen a bullet fired at a low incidence angle skip right off the surface of a lake? I hope this body of
water is miles from civilization... and you!
Sigh.. ok, walk over to your friend (the other competitor) and punch him right between the eyes. You can run circles around his boat and he won't be
able to see. Take your time and ram it or do whatever to destroy his boat. Apologize and offer to help him pick the pieces of his boat out of the
water. Buy him a beer or a bottle of tequila. While you're at it, name your boat "Uncle Sam" and buy 'aga' a bottle of tequila as well. 
Seriously though, I like wizzard's idea of flipping the opponent's boat. I envision a boat with four floats spread out for stability. A steel rod
connected to a servo could serve as a flipping mechanism -OR- a hammer fist to beat down repeatedly on the other boat. Counterweight it properly and
even a small-ish servo can swing a decent mass.
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And that is the key part of that design aspect- you wouldn't want to go swinging at the enemy boat only to
flip yourself over in the process! It would certainly be very comical if nothing else.
[Edited on 8-8-2014 by zts16]
Forum Drunkard
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Sounds a lot like Robot Wars.
Forum Drunkard
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The radio control part need not be expensive. is where i get most of my stuff.
This is an 8 channel Transmitter/receiver set :
It says 9 channels, but you get 8.
If you really want to go to town, you could rig up a camera/transmitter on the boat, mounted on the gun barrel.
Add FatShark video goggles with a Head Tracker module, and wherever you point your head, the gun will follow.
For a boat you only need two channels - thrust and steering.
The headtracker uses 2 more, so you have 4 channels left = 3 for weapon select and one for Fire.
Maybe save one for self-destruct if it's going badly !
All the camera/video goggle stuff is under "FPV & Telemetry" on that website.
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by DubaiAmateurRocketry  | I am pretty sure he will have few layers of protection.
Such as aluminum foil/ carbon fiber glass etc.
Any idea how to break through these? Some explosives and shaped charges sounds promising although I hate going too serious since we're just doing it
for fun. |
Thermite will take care of that just fine.
Maybe use a long rod with a container filled with about 20-40 grams of slow burning thermite mix (iron oxide - Al).
If you had a way to attach the rod (with the thermite) to his/her boat, so he/she can't get away, light it, and watch their boat melt and burn to a
Or you if you can find a way to get the thermite on top of his/her boat and ignite it, that would be even better.
Thermite will burn just fine underwater, so you don't need to worry about it going out.
What about torpedoes? It might not be too hard to build a few of them. Accurately firing them at a moving boat is prove to be difficult but is
[EDIT] It's equally important to discuss how to armor your boat, then to destroy his.
[Edited on 8-8-2014 by Zyklon-A]
National Hazard
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If this is a "for real", then what I would suggest is to limit the amount of armoring and the type of materials that are allowed for both contestants.
Otherwise, both contestants end up building their boats out of old gas cylinders, and end up trying to sink the other guy with ten pound charges of
tannerite, or something. This is really impractical, especially if spectators are present, and not particularly interesting.
If playing a scaled up version of "battleships", then perhaps figure out the gauge of metal used in a real boat, and scale it down to the size of your
model, just to keep things real. Scale it for weight, too. No Styrofoam allowed for floatation, or other cheesy things like that. There have to
be weaknesses in both designs, to allow for both competitors to exercise practical strategy. If you can't cripple both vessels by ramming, then
they're probably over-designed.
Maybe include a "magazine" of "rocket candy" on board each vessel, that can be initiated by a contestant lobbing burning projectiles at his opponent
(that is, if a direct hit is scored). Or even better, directly lob projectiles of burning rocket candy. In any case, it will take some skill and
strategy to get good aim.
To make things more interesting, have a couple of "safe zones" that each respective contestant can attempt to retreat to (either to reload, repair,
escape, etc), and "international waters" where the battles take place.
Forum Drunkard
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Having a Magazine is a great idea.
Add magnalium and stuff to make it go with some sparkle.
To make it more interesting, you could rig it so that after firing all weapons, a Timer starts after which the self-destruct detonates automatically.
So careful Aim, no firing wildly ...
A large piece of polystyrene with a plank of wood sticking up vertically, with a rock underneath to keep them upright, would give you both a 'shield'
to hide behind.
Leave it free to float about so it changes position.
Maybe have a few of them, and quite small - smaller than the boat.
Near Misses that hit the planks would be fun, plus Wood burns ...
[Edited on 8-8-2014 by aga]
Forum Drunkard
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Thinking about it, WGTR is right.
Maximum fun would be to have two (or more) wooden boats.
Flamethrowers as the OP suggested (use a Lever and a large servo to press the nozzle down on a can of flammable aerosol, spirit burner as igniter).
Each boat should be rigged to Blow anyway, with a 'protected' fuse at the front and another at the back.
'Protection' should be easily burned away within a few seconds, like a thick coating of wax.
Winner is the one who destroys the Protection and lights the fuse on the other boat.
Dramatic, skill and luck involved, flames everywhere, no projectiles, an explosion at the end (maybe two).
Add 'props' like floating shields, and maybe a 'Shower' where you can sail under a pipe that sprays water to put some flames out. Alternate between
water and petrol on a timer 
All easy to do as well.
Hazard to Others
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Make your boat also able to be a submersible, then you can go under your friend's boat and knock it over!
When the police come
\( * O * )/ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'̵͇̿̿з=༼ ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿ ༽
Radically Dubious
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Here is the ultimate simple and possibly effective idea. Have your boat tow a small vessel with a long floating cord that after several feet has a
coating of a highly flammable substance perhaps including an occasion pocket of a thermite material. The little boat being towed has a candle that
upon burning down ignites the tow line, which automatically disconnects from your vessel upon burning.
You must circle around your opponent vessel, wrapping him in the death cord.
[Edited on 8-8-2014 by AJKOER]
Forum Drunkard
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... while he's firing his flamethrower at you.
Maybe better to just have a simple Rod at the front of the boat which can engage with a tube on a smaller floating chunk of something, which has a lot
of Grease on the other side.
Have a few of these dotted around, or have them Released from time to time.
The smaller 'boat' is loaded with some explosive, and has a Fuse on top.
Your boat could engage the 'floating sticky bomb' and then try to slap it onto the opponent boat.
Flamethrower ignites fuse. Who's flamethrower, and When would be hilarious.
Also a chance that you could shave the sticky bomb off your hull using the opponent's hull, transferring the sticky bomb back to it's originator.
[Edited on 8-8-2014 by aga]
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