Free Radical
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FTP Server #2 directory structure ideas
First read my post "We have to come up with a directory structure." in thread "FTP Server #2". That explains what I want this
thread to be about.
Now don't be shy to make what you think are bad suggestions --- this works exactly like sex -- any suggestion will be better than no suggestion
at all, just like bad sex is better than no sex at all. I seem to digress here and will stop typing now.
[Edited on 2005-1-30 by axehandle]
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\"Verbing nouns weirds the language!\"
A pnictogen
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Folder for books, could be subdidided with sub folders into inorganic chem(general), organic chem(general), explosives, drugs.
Folder for alphabetical listing of chemicals, containing folders A-Z, for files that are specifically about the preparation or reactions of a specific
Folder for warez
(out of my own ideas )
Actually, I like the way Chemoleo's folder is organized, that would be a good system, but I think my second point could be a nice addition as
[Edited on 31-1-2005 by rogue chemist]
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---sub topic
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no warez on the ftp
CanĀ“t be!
There is no "warez" on this ftp. There may be some evaluation copies of software available - but no "warez".
A pnictogen
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My bad....
But does not the Ullman's and Chemoffice count as warez, with their cracks and keygens?
Or possibly I just do not know the meaning of 'warez' If not someone
enlighten me to its real meaning.
International Hazard
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No warez on it? There jolly well should be! No FTP site is complete without it!
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I agree with meta.
- Ebooks
- Chemistry
- Inorganic
- Glass
- Physics
- Optics
- Laser
- Software
- Simulation
- Drawing
So on.
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When I post, the identantion lost it. How i mantain the identation on the msg?
Quote: | Originally posted by gtacchi
I agree with meta.
* Ebooks
++ Chemistry
+ Inorganic
- Glass
++ Physics
+ Optics
- Laser
* Software
+ Simulation
+ Drawing
So on.
gtacchi |
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//Folder for books, could be subdidided with sub folders into inorganic chem(general), organic chem(general), explosives, drugs.
there should be polymer science,computational chemistry,electrochemistry,chemical engineering,nano science,analytic chemistry,Spectroscopy
analysis,Tools(including encyclopedia,dictionary,database)
A pnictogen
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Damn, were you being sarcastic Organikum? I just realized that tonight (sad is it not?)