Hazard to Self

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The future feeling
have you ever felt like that you are in a time that allready happened ; that you know for few seconds what's going to happen next . i have this
kind of feeling every few weeks , but i can't control it . it comes in totaly unexpected moment. i had this kind of vision about a 30 minutes ago
. is this some kind of telecinetic vision ? a few times i dreamed stuff that happened a few days after , but again i can't control my dreams .
but i have a friend that says he can , at first i didn't belive him , but now i realise that it is posible like my ability to see(k) the future .
i found some books about psychocinetics and it says that everyone has this ability but people don't train they abilities . i don't
understand the training , i didn't do nothing like a special mind traning ... if enyone had the same expirience please post how and when it
happened to you , and how long did you feel the future???? also post all your comments and informations !!!!! thanks
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It's a long time since I had my last deja vu. Interestingly, they were the most frequent during puberty.
This would support the theory that it's merely somekind of lag between vision input and brain processing.
It's hard to explain. It's like living 30 seconds in the past with your consciousness while your physical you is in the real time.
My best guess is that it's caused by hormone level chances or something else biochemically. Sorry, had to relate it to chemistry....
Sounds confusing he?
One shouldn't accept or resort to the mutilation of science to appease the mentally impaired.
Hazard to Self

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yes , it is probably efected with hormons , but if we could know what these hormons are we could maybe increase the deja vu feeling activity . than it
is nothing paranormal , its just the game that hormons play with our minds .
post your best deja vu-s !!!!!!!!!
Vicious like a ferret
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Before I knew a friend of mine (who owned locker number 64), I dreamed. I dreamt that the person who owned locker 64 would miss that year's
school play. Three days later, he missed it.
WOW!!~!! how about that!@!!! it si like some kind of alien virus infected the temporal lobes of my brain (tempora = time!! (and also a kind of fish,
but that doesnt have anything to do with teh bodies... or the story)) ANYway, so this fish-like-alian virus infecting my brain during puberty? sounds
pretty strange huh? but is it any stranger than the alternative – that my brain is somehow chemically imbalanced? (I hear your girly snickering John
Wayne, you have detention after this)
I put it down simply to the power of suggestion... you know, the brain muddled up my memory to fit in with the situation. I guess i don't like
the idea of fate.
One thing you have to keep in mind when one is sure one has had a preminatory dream - the memory isn't very scientific at all, it's actually
rather Orwellian. Numbers, colors of cars, heights of people etcetera, etcetera; they just change according to one's whims. Just ask any police
officer gathering eye whitness accounts, it's not rare for a vehicle to be reported as 10 different colours by 10 different witnesses.
But then again... I have been known to wander to the phone absent mindedly and be
just loitering next to it when it rings for me. Or I more than often ring people the instant they were about to ring me, even after months of no
bum-bum-baaaa *dramatic piano piece here* 
Some people will read a lot into enigmatic things like dreams.
Well, until next time,
Keep it Real
Caveat Orator
Hazard to Self

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i didn't have dreams that happened exactly , i just dreamed someone or something that ill meet the day after , but just a few times ... there are
few theorys about deja vu-s 1. vultures theory , than the theory that your brain search for identic or similarly situations and then you feel like you
saw it before , and the dream theory - you dream things that you don't remember tommorow ( becose you didn't wake up when you were in the
REM fase ) and then when the identic moment comes your brain is realising that it saw ( heard , whatever ... ) this before . theese are the theorys
that i heard... does anyone know some new theory ?????
Hazard to Others
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Never had a dream come true but ocosionally I get the feeling I've done something before.Like (belive it or not)typing this post.
Hazard to Self

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new theory
a new theory - one eye sends visual information ( in a period of few seconds ) slower than the other eye ( about 0.025 seconds slower ) and the result
is momentarly feeling that you saw it before ( you did , but just like a half of a second ago ) . well it is just a theory , but the feeling is still
cool .
Hazard to Others
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Damn, I get these things all the time, usually 10-30 times a day lasting from half of a second to a week! They all "link" to each other,
i.e. I see what's going to happen and then the next "link" it happens although sometimes there's more than two "links".
The thing that REALLY bugs me is that I can feel what I feel in another time and even control the other me if the other me permits it. If two mes (no
words for it, argh!) use a sense at the same time, it gets extremely sensitive to the both of "us". In fact, my entire family seems to be
able to do it but I've developed it the most. I know it's real because I tell my twin what I see and sense and sometimes he's in the
same place when the predicted event happens. If it spans over a month, I instead have a dream about it. For example, I saw the face of a popular
girl to be that I had never seen a month before school started for 6th grade among other things. My older brother once had a dream of him being in
his friend's car and him sticking a particular CD in a week or so before it happened. AFAIK I haven't been able to change an event, and
sometimes it's me trying to that causes the problem in the first place. Maybe I have, but then the second "link" would be incorrect or
corresponding to that of a parallel dimension. Another thing that happened was that I knew my sister's car was going to crash two weeks before
it happened not knowing when it would, but I didn't tell anyone fearing that no one would believe me. Apparently my twin had the exact same
thing happen to him. I suspect my grandfather knew of his death a month before it happened because he was peculiarly much nicer and quieter. I knew
a few African-American girls who had the exact same thing as well, like this one was at her kitchen sink and got a vision of her father's
birthday and it later happened exactly the same way. The ones of highest magnitude are triggered when I come near or in contact with an object for
the first time that I will have contact with for many years in the future, like my skittish cat that was taken from outside a gym as a stray. Coffee
(or just lots of caffeine) and loud techno music can often trigger, intensify, and/or lengthen it. I figured out how to "send" out an event
to a random time and for as long as I want, but not conciously receive one. I have other abilities, but they are less profound and sound crazy... and
I've written too much already on this one. Half of the reason I got into science was that I wanted to find an explaination.
My theory is one that I've read about on some physics page. Supposedly there's these two types of waves that exchange particle information
before the particles react. The advanced wave goes back in time to get info on the other and then the retarded one goes forward with a response so
maybe the advanced waves carry info back in time along with the retarded ones giving an immediate response (at least for me). That could explain how
<a href="" target="_blank">light can (sort of)
travel 300 times faster than its previously set speed</a>. Crazy as it seems, that's the only possible explaination I've been able to
find. Who knows, maybe telekinetics can be explained by <a href=""
target="_blank">this</a>. I'm open to these sort of things because weird stuff always happens to me, like I sometimes come
into contact with ghosts and I can sense their basic feelings, their location, how much space they're occupying, and sometimes even see them. I
even had a pencil roll uphill on a binder in the fifth grade in math class when I was half day-dreaming and thinking about what if I could do that.
Too bad I haven't been able to do it again and no one saw it.
Quote: | It's like living 30 seconds in the past with your consciousness while your physical you is in the real time. |
Yeah, that happened to me a lot last year except the time lag was more like five seconds. LOL, it's really cool when you have the timing just
right and you can tell people what their gonna say right before they say it. Then they say it, get confused, and ask how'd I know what they were
going to say.
[Edited on 8-11-2003 by blip]
Basement Chemist
Hazard to Self

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just eat glow in the dark lego man (a trick from m00nmonster) and then you can see the future all the time.
I am curently hiding from the DEA...
Hazard to Others
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Or shrooms.
Anyway I think it s amemory glitch.Either that or a feedback of some sort from a position in time further.But I higly doubt that becuase there are
infinate combinations and just knowing it would lter it.Although what you see could be the end result of a compex wave muatation.
Hazard to Self

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did anyone else had some other telekinetic experience ? i thinked somethimes on some stuff , and it happened a minute later . like i wanted some song
to play on radio or when i was with my friends i thinked on one stuff , and my friend started to talk about it ... can this be some telekinetic energy
? do you belive in Uri Geller's ability with the spoons ?? is there a theory about this ( it only worked with iron stuff ) did somebody had also
an telekinetic experience ?
Biochemicus Energeticus
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it's odd... although I had plenty of deja-vus, with the utter conviction I have seen this place before (like, I dream about something, and then
years later I go to a certain place and suddenly it hits me like a hammer- I saw it in that dream before!!), I still wonder whether your mind is
playing tricks. Like, you feel u are certain taht you have seen this place before, but how do you know that your mind is not adapting visual inputs to
something you might have experienced (like that dream?)
Thats the problem, one feels really certain about it, but the certainty is not really warranted.
Just one specific example on how memory can play tricks on you (me ). Well (its
a bit embarrassing), a long time ago when I went to school still, we suddenly noticed this bright light at the horizon while waiting for the school
bus. Now, the mysterious thing was that the light didnt move at all, or so I thought. Everyone else who was waiting for the bus felt the same way, and
everyone got really excited, especially that it recurred several days in a row. Even now, I think i can visualise that light not being just a
one-dimensional point, but a flat elipse, and it resembled a glowing cake (in terms of shape) with darker stripes around the circumference. The point
is, I can (even now, more than 15 years later) see this in my mind.
Here comes the crux. A family friend noticed the same phenomenon independently, and promptly checked it with his binoculars. Guess what, this light
turned out to be two separate lights, and at good weather you could see the plane carrying those lights! The object seeminlgly didnt move cus it was
moving towards us, and then it disappeared into the clouds!
You can imagine, that was a great disappointment to all of us lol.
So since then I learned, memory really does play tricks on you, even now I remember the plane/object resembling a frigging illuminated cake floating
in the sky!!!
So much to objective observations!!
Dont you think this kind of destroys the mystery of what you seemingly seemed to remember? Anyway, that made me think...
Hazard to Others
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ive been getting the feeling that ive done something before as i do it for the first time pretty often for as long as i can remember.
for a period after tripping on mushrooms i seemed to see things befoe they happen more often, for example, i whent onto my computer and then got the
thougth that i have an e-mail from a person who hasn't e-mailed me in months, so i checked my mail, and low and behold, i had an e-mail from that
same person i was thinking of.
Most people outgrow their pyro tendencies, we are the ones who\'s tendencies outgrew us.
Hazard to Others
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Not to insult you or so Maddog but thats definatly memory distortion.
Though I did have this thoery about seeing things:According to the wave/particle theory all existence is just one big wave right.So maybe its possibe
for nerons of yourself to 'vibrate' sismilerly to your present state so your brain sort of acts like an RF collecter and you get these
thngs.Maybe some people have the frequency right so it hapens while for everyone else it fades out.
Another take is that some peoples mind's may not 'change frequency' as they move along the wave enough to stop sympathetic vibration in
the brain.
[Edited on 17-9-2003 by Iv4]
Hazard to Others
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I can assure you telekentics is very real, ive done it, acualty i was trying to spin a tinfoil wheel and acutaly spun it so good i put a hole in the
foil with the nail it was spinning on...
\"I love being alive and will be the best man I possibly can. I will take love wherever I find it and offer it to everyone who will take it. I
will seek knowledge from those wiser and teach those who wish to learn from me.\" Duane Allman