Suspicious chemicals
In many localities, the purchase of certain chemicals is monitored in an attempt to crack down on the manufacture of illegal drugs and explosives. This article will attempt to list watched chemicals by locality.
European Union
The EU has placed in recent years several regulations and restrictions on many chemicals.
United States
The United States has strict surveillance programs that involve many chemicals and types of equipment which are used to manufacture illegal drugs and explosives.
DEA lists
The DEA lists are lists of chemicals used by the Department of Justice to determine probable cause in a drug lab investigation. Most of these chemicals are sold in restricted quantities to individuals, and the possession or purchase of more than allotted amounts may incite an investigation. Wherever possible use cash to pay for these chemicals, or better yet, avoid them entirely if at all possible or synthesize them clandestinely.
Russian Federation
The FSKN lists are lists of chemicals used by the Federal Service of Illegal Drug Trade Control of Russia to determine probable cause in a drug lab investigation. Most of these chemicals are sold in restricted quantities to individuals, and the possession or purchase of more than allotted amounts may incite an investigation. Wherever possible use cash to pay for these chemicals, or better yet, avoid them entirely if at all possible or synthesize them clandestinely. A lot of common chemicals such as concentrated mineral acids and potassium permanganate is in the FSKN lists, so an amateur chemist in Russia more or less has to be clandestine.