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Potassium Ferrocyanide from Potassium Nitrate and Iron Oxalate
Historically, the compound was manufactured from nitrogenous organic material, iron filings, and pot ...
16-9-2024 at 03:50
by: Random
Potassium Ferrocyanide from Potassium Nitrate and Iron Oxalate
Blood should be tested as starting material.

It contains Carbon and Nitrogen.

Blood. Potassium ...
15-9-2024 at 06:15
by: Random

15-9-2024 at 02:01
by: Random
MnO2 -> MnSO4; What is the best route?
[rquote=468086&tid=6777&author=Dmishin]I several times used citric acid as reducing agent, w ...
11-12-2016 at 09:12
by: Random
MnO2 -> MnSO4; What is the best route?
MnO2 mixed with non-reactive acid for example vinegar along with bisulfite will be reduced and the i ...
2-12-2016 at 12:37
by: Random
Cooked meat ate through aluminum foil!
I wouldn't eat that mean regardless.
6-11-2016 at 06:25
by: Random
How to distinguish the name :Calcium Nitrate ; Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) and Granular CAN ?
Add sodium carbonate to its solution to see if CaCO3 precipitates
28-4-2016 at 05:25
by: Random
Beginner posts
[rquote=444522&tid=65839&author=Jstuyfzand]I am a pretty big noob myself, I think it would b ...
12-4-2016 at 13:25
by: Random
Missing persons
If I never met those guys here I would never learn chemistry the way I did. I remember when I asked ...
27-3-2016 at 21:42
by: Random
Weird U2U messages...
[rquote=440519&tid=65460&author=Great]If it was a female name I feel like we'd all take it a ...
1-3-2016 at 14:50
by: Random
Flesh rotting

I had a splash of drain water hit my hand ...
20-2-2016 at 04:00
by: Random
Wood ashes
[rquote=438726&tid=65294&author=MeshPL]Plant ashes contain phosphorus in form of oxide, but ...
12-2-2016 at 11:24
by: Random
How fast does body build long protein
Interesting stuff guys thanks. It means also that titin takes about half an hour to synthesize!

I ...
9-2-2016 at 04:34
by: Random
How fast does body build long protein
Hoe fast does body build one unit of a protein that is 100000 amino acids long? It seems that becaus ...
7-2-2016 at 12:17
by: Random
Plating chromium
Has anyone had some experience with chromium plating? How the procedure goes etc...? I read that hex ...
11-6-2015 at 01:21
by: Random
Poll: Which solvent smells the best?
Xylene smells like shit its too heavy.

I bet u guys are masochists
15-4-2015 at 12:12
by: Random
How would you form calcium manganate?
8-4-2015 at 15:09
by: Random
Interesting Method for Stripping Copper Wires
[rquote=399579&tid=61945&author=engineerman9337]Had similar experience with a popular carcin ...
5-4-2015 at 10:32
by: Random
Interesting Method for Stripping Copper Wires
[rquote=398842&tid=61945&author=AJKOER]Personally, inhalation of methyl ethyl ketone fumes i ...
30-3-2015 at 11:03
by: Random
Is there a book describing how to obtain modern technologies from scratch?
Hard to do because skills necessary for this have been passed generation to generation and thjs is c ...
13-3-2015 at 14:41
by: Random
The DEA is watching you...but does it matter?
Freedom and democracy!!
6-2-2015 at 05:02
by: Random
Copper and zinc sulfate fumes warning!!!!
Reading through this thread dash of homeopathic medicine would cure the problem.
4-2-2015 at 11:47
by: Random
Moving drug-related threads
[rquote=389079&tid=53640&author=Nicodem][rquote=389072&tid=53640&author=Random]Explo ...
27-1-2015 at 10:00
by: Random
Moving drug-related threads
Drugs are problem of the society not the individual. But as long as alcohol and xanax are legal they ...
27-1-2015 at 07:11
by: Random
Copper and zinc sulfate fumes warning!!!!
You are just paranoid. What if you lacquered some wooden table in closed room or just inhaled cement ...
27-1-2015 at 07:05
by: Random
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