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toluene --> benzaldehyde
Here's a good site for making benzaldehyde from toluene by oxidising the toluene in the presence of ...
2-1-2012 at 11:55
by: questions
toluene --> benzaldehyde
Theres all this talk and excitement around liquid phase oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde.

Has ...
1-1-2012 at 22:21
by: questions
toluene --> benzaldehyde
Hye I clicked on the link and it doesnt take me to the thread...... whats going on?
25-12-2011 at 03:51
by: questions
toluene --> benzaldehyde
sorry guys
25-12-2011 at 03:42
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
It sucks arse because of four main reasons;

1) It is corrosive to things around it

2) It uses ...
24-12-2011 at 22:47
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
Making benzalehyde via oxidisng toluene is the method tha was using and I would only get 50ml to ab ...
24-12-2011 at 22:44
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
OK guys, I have made a thread for making benzaldehyde from cinnamon oil. Clearly you are tunnel visi ...
24-12-2011 at 20:34
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
OK everyone, here is the method discovered by cyclonight, apparently this is the bees kness for maki ...
24-12-2011 at 20:31
by: questions
Cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
OK everyone, there has been a lot of hype about making benzaldehyde from tolune. I personaly believe ...
24-12-2011 at 20:25
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
[rquote=230921&tid=2223&author=peach]I have, but I preferred the persulphate method.[/rquote ...
24-12-2011 at 18:35
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
was the coversion rate of cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde really like around 75% to 90% like he says?
24-12-2011 at 18:32
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
Has anybody else actually tried cyclonights cinnamon oil method of making benzaldehyde by slowly dri ...
24-12-2011 at 17:29
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
very funny lol :)
24-12-2011 at 05:09
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
Then how did cyclonight get such good results?
24-12-2011 at 03:25
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
I cant do the experiment myself right now as I'm in the process of relocating but my situation is th ...
23-12-2011 at 19:18
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
There is no easy way to make benzaldehyde, I think the best way is to get it from a chemical company ...
20-12-2011 at 02:04
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
I'm only interested in knowing how it works for my own knowledge. I'm curious.

Also, what would h ...
11-11-2011 at 18:34
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
doing that experiment would be the one thing i would love to do, but unfortunately I am living with ...
11-11-2011 at 07:08
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
OK Neil, I appreaciate your input put there are several factors that will affect how long it takes f ...
11-11-2011 at 04:19
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
does anyone know how long it took cyclonnight to drip the 300 to 400ml of cinnamon oil into the 2l o ...
8-11-2011 at 17:47
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
[rquote=67290&tid=2223&author=CycloKnight]Hi peeps, been off the forum a good while but its ...
31-10-2011 at 01:06
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
Does anyone know what drip rate cyclonight used when he made benzaldehyde by slowly driping the cinn ...
30-10-2011 at 22:27
by: questions
cinnamon oil to benzaldehyde
I'm trying to find out at what PH the cannizarro reaction will happen at, does anyone know?
22-9-2011 at 02:24
by: questions
Hey guys, here's a random question;

If I were to take an ordinary glass jar (not made from pyrex ...
5-9-2011 at 19:51
by: questions
Improvement in the yield of racemic PPA*HCl via Akabori reaction (35 % molar)
How would I separate the cinnamon aldehyde from the benzaldehyde by the method you mentioned using a ...
31-8-2011 at 01:02
by: questions
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