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Sodium Acetate fun The discolouration might simply be due to impurities in either of the chemicals you started off with ... |
13-7-2007 at 15:20 by: Darkblade48 |
Videos of various lab procedures? I could have sworn I posted this before... |
1-7-2007 at 19:40 by: Darkblade48 |
help... Endnote forces me to do the dirty work myself I think you will have to find the related articles on PubMed/whatever journal site you are getting t ... |
16-6-2007 at 14:01 by: Darkblade48 |
cheap HeLa cells? I agree with chemoleo; working in a cell culture lab, we passage HeLa cells every so often, and the ... |
24-5-2007 at 03:05 by: Darkblade48 |
Bird Flu ?? It's interesting to note that studies have shown that oseltamivir (Tamiflu) isn't that effective in ... |
15-5-2007 at 19:32 by: Darkblade48 |
name that piece of glass! Though you must remember, California is known for its chemical paranoia (perhaps not as glass fearin ... |
9-5-2007 at 03:07 by: Darkblade48 |
zantac I would imagine that your stomach lining would regenerate itself given time.
It is possible that ... |
4-5-2007 at 08:59 by: Darkblade48 |
Element collectors - Don't miss this 100 kg Au coin And that's 3 million [i]Canadian[/i] 
I'm sure I could do a lot more useful things with 3 milli ... |
3-5-2007 at 22:44 by: Darkblade48 |
Forum pages showing as garbage (encoding trouble) I was also experiencing this problem using Firefox earlier this evening. However, the problem seems ... |
28-4-2007 at 00:59 by: Darkblade48 |
TiO2 Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Ah yes, I remember this experiment, my chemistry professor in my first year undergrad chemistry cour ... |
26-4-2007 at 10:07 by: Darkblade48 |
Removing KMnO4 stains I'm pretty sure oxalic acid works as well (unfortunately, not as skin friendly as ascorbic) |
15-4-2007 at 10:21 by: Darkblade48 |
Where to get cheap pipettes? Please use the search engine if you want to concentrate your 40% H2O2 (not recommended, however).
... |
10-4-2007 at 02:59 by: Darkblade48 |
Gigantic Nitric acid spill 500 gallons....that translates to nearly 2000 litres of precious nitric acid lost.
I wonder how c ... |
30-3-2007 at 03:10 by: Darkblade48 |
All right, my first reaction! [quote][i]Originally posted by __________[/i]
What products did you use that contain MgSO4,NaOH and ... |
11-3-2007 at 14:25 by: Darkblade48 |
ebooks? You're going to have to look in the references section; and yes, it is password protected. You will ... |
8-2-2007 at 09:38 by: Darkblade48 |
H2SO4 conc. + Fe ?? I'm not too sure about this, as it's still 7 am in the morning, but I thought that iron did not reac ... |
8-1-2007 at 04:08 by: Darkblade48 |
Then and now Some of these are just priceless! It's true how the world overreacts to some things these days (my d ... |
25-12-2006 at 01:19 by: Darkblade48 |
Cleaning Inside of Flask Like DeAdFX, I use oxalic acid for my MnO2 stains, and it works so much faster than scrubbing glassw ... |
25-12-2006 at 01:15 by: Darkblade48 |
CPSC Won! FireFox case Lost! Does this apply only to the US, or to Canada as well? Also, do you have a CPSC link to the restricti ... |
22-12-2006 at 10:25 by: Darkblade48 |
Best/cheapest non-hazmat aquisition of mercury? It's too bad you probably wouldn't be able to ship that mercury over to Canada. I don't think custom ... |
14-12-2006 at 15:56 by: Darkblade48 |
Ouch, Canada [quote][i]Originally posted by The_Davster[/i]
Some weird ones:
silver bullion
Price of ... |
10-12-2006 at 01:45 by: Darkblade48 |
Ouch, Canada The problem is that it doesn't specifically say what chemicals will be targetted.
By saying "toxi ... |
9-12-2006 at 09:54 by: Darkblade48 |
Storing methylene chloride As far as I know, the paint strippers that I can get aren't dichloromethane, they just don't have th ... |
5-12-2006 at 22:05 by: Darkblade48 |
Software required I think Cambridge's Chem Draw will do that for you (naming of structures using IUPAC convention, dra ... |
29-11-2006 at 22:54 by: Darkblade48 |
Could we get a classifieds section? I agree entirely with The_Davester, neutrino and woelen on these matters.
I've never bought chemi ... |
23-11-2006 at 04:58 by: Darkblade48 |
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