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Hydrazine as a reducing agent? This seems like a convenient reducing agent since it produces N2 gas and water. Just like how hydrog ... |
16-10-2016 at 11:04 by: bolbol |
How to make a buffer of a specific pH? This is a homework related problem that I am stuck on. Instructor is asking for a 50 mL solution tha ... |
8-10-2016 at 11:22 by: bolbol |
NMR service for hire -community thoughts, questions, concerns. The compounds I have are actually hard silicate minerals.. I can powder them but they are pretty muc ... |
31-7-2016 at 16:50 by: bolbol |
NMR service for hire -community thoughts, questions, concerns. I am not familiar with such instruments but is this the one that tells you the chemical composition ... |
31-7-2016 at 16:21 by: bolbol |
Photo-induced phase changing for Pararealgar crystallization I have been waiting to do this ever since I got my hands on some realgar. I have crushed all the cry ... |
30-7-2016 at 12:56 by: bolbol |
Chloroform Synthesis problems I had that happen too but it was very little and it made the chloroform cloudy. Distillation should ... |
6-7-2016 at 12:15 by: bolbol |
Calcium carbonate solution I have heard that the carbonate reacts with the partialy ionized water to make carbon dioxide and ca ... |
5-7-2016 at 09:44 by: bolbol |
Calcium carbonate solution But if the carbonates react with the water won't I be left with the hydroxides of calcium and magnes ... |
5-7-2016 at 07:37 by: bolbol |
Calcium carbonate solution But if the carbonates react with the water won't I be left with the hydroxides of calcium and magnes ... |
5-7-2016 at 07:33 by: bolbol |
Calcium carbonate solution No I don't want this to involve any chemical reactions. I just want to take a solution of those carb ... |
4-7-2016 at 22:44 by: bolbol |
Calcium carbonate solution Is there anyway I can precipitate out calcium carbonate and also magnesium carbonate from a solution ... |
4-7-2016 at 19:37 by: bolbol |
Calcium carbonate solution I would like to know whether or not a perfectly saturated solution of calcium carbonate would react ... |
4-7-2016 at 17:51 by: bolbol |
Light blue hydroxide The only chloride I can think of with that smiliar color are copper, nickel, and praseodymium chlori ... |
4-7-2016 at 16:55 by: bolbol |
Reactions between soluble salts? I meant to ask if they are any instruments that could detect such a thing. |
30-6-2016 at 17:26 by: bolbol |
Reactions between soluble salts? Makes sense, thank you!
If I were to do such an experiment, are there any analytical methods that ... |
30-6-2016 at 13:34 by: bolbol |
Reactions between soluble salts? We have two 500 mL solutions, A and B.
Solution A = 1.0 M KNO[sub]3[/sub]
Solution B = 1.0 M NaBr ... |
30-6-2016 at 13:16 by: bolbol |
Fun/cool reactions/experiments to do with CS2? I separated it and added water on the top because it smelled harsh. After a while the redness went a ... |
12-5-2016 at 15:33 by: bolbol |
Fun/cool reactions/experiments to do with CS2? I was about to filter off this stuff in the morning and I noticed this nice red colored layer...
... |
12-5-2016 at 08:32 by: bolbol |
Fun/cool reactions/experiments to do with CS2? I tried it with methanol. I made a room temp sat solution of NaOH in methanol and added CS2 to it un ... |
11-5-2016 at 23:51 by: bolbol |
Fun/cool reactions/experiments to do with CS2? [rquote=448444&tid=66204&author=solitanze]You could prepare xanthate salts from CS2 and KOH ... |
10-5-2016 at 08:51 by: bolbol |
Fun/cool reactions/experiments to do with CS2? [rquote=448418&tid=66204&author=DraconicAcid]You can react with with ionic sulphides to make ... |
9-5-2016 at 21:00 by: bolbol |
Fun/cool reactions/experiments to do with CS2? I got my hands on ~800 mls of CS2.
I needed around 200 mls for realgar(As4S4) mineral recrystalliz ... |
9-5-2016 at 18:18 by: bolbol |
Latest chemical order? My CS2 came through. Well packaged and was labeled nicely !
Well worth the 60$ |
9-5-2016 at 13:33 by: bolbol |
Latest chemical order? [rquote=447094&tid=9890&author=careysub]If there is significant demand for CS2 here it can b ... |
28-4-2016 at 20:01 by: bolbol |
Latest chemical order? [rquote=446850&tid=9890&author=arkoma]RedP, styrene, and CS[sub]2[/sub][/rquote]
Could I ... |
27-4-2016 at 23:00 by: bolbol |
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