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Silver salts to elemental silver?
I know that one can release the silver from nitrate salts with copper tube, but does this apply to o ...
10-12-2012 at 00:20
by: chucknorris
Too powerful vacuum pump..
In my country it costs 15 euros per kg + delivery costs which force you to order at least some 30kg ...
7-12-2012 at 22:59
by: chucknorris
Too powerful vacuum pump..
Nope, from the internets. :D Just cant hold the liquids between 100-300c Im intending to boil and Im ...
7-12-2012 at 22:37
by: chucknorris
Too powerful vacuum pump..
I bought a vacuum pump that is a little too harsh for me. Even liquids with BP at 200C will boil at ...
7-12-2012 at 03:31
by: chucknorris
Methanol, thf substitutes?
Are there solvents that can be used instead of methanol or THF, both are hard to obtain at the momen ...
4-12-2012 at 14:29
by: chucknorris
Making bottle tops chemical resistant
My case could be a reason because the nitric was white fuming. :P

Teflon tape is OK, but I think ...
27-11-2012 at 17:28
by: chucknorris
Making bottle tops chemical resistant
At us they sell HDPE, PTFE, viton and other plates from 0.5mm to 30mm thickness, although the price ...
27-11-2012 at 15:29
by: chucknorris
Making bottle tops chemical resistant
I came up with an idea when handling these 0.75mm thick teflon plates at my local store. Could one u ...
27-11-2012 at 14:35
by: chucknorris
toluene --> benzaldehyde
Is it possible to oxidize benzyl alcohol vapor with silver catalyst into benzaldehyde?
26-11-2012 at 15:54
by: chucknorris
Nitroethane in DMSO - distill separation?
DMSO is tricky one since pretty much every solvent is miscible with it. If we have nitroethane solve ...
26-11-2012 at 07:56
by: chucknorris
Fractional distillation of WFNA and water in inert gas with H2SO4?
Long story short, aside for another process that leaves 68% azeotropic HNO3 as a leftover, is it pos ...
19-11-2012 at 05:12
by: chucknorris
Ethyl/Isopropyl Bromide preparation
Can you do this process non-stop by mixing the goods beforehead and then continuously flowing them i ...
17-11-2012 at 19:21
by: chucknorris
Methanol -> methanal
Shouldn't you be able to do simple formaldehyde bubbler to purify paraformaldehyde directly into for ...
17-11-2012 at 19:19
by: chucknorris
Enameling lab vessels
I have access to acid proof special stainless steel with rather good prices, but still the price is ...
16-11-2012 at 12:15
by: chucknorris
Birkeland-Eyde reactor for making nitric acid.

Im looking for a transformer for my reactor now. Im using two 500mm by 4mm tungsten electrod ...
15-11-2012 at 09:42
by: chucknorris
DMSO distillation at normal pressure
Is it possible to distill DMSO at normal pressure without damaging it? I have contaminated DMSO that ...
13-11-2012 at 21:00
by: chucknorris
nitroethane - and again
Ok tried some NE today.

Following problems occured:

The NAETSO did not fully solved to the wat ...
4-11-2012 at 10:47
by: chucknorris
Remove Benzylalcohol from Benzylchloride
Hey, can you help me with this one?

I have product that contains about 50% benzyl alcohol and bun ...
20-10-2012 at 00:56
by: chucknorris
Making glacial acetic acid
I put some 1500ml of vinegar in flask and 500ml of chloroform and then about 50 grams of table salt( ...
22-7-2012 at 21:35
by: chucknorris
Just what the hell is 1-nafindola? And yea, when you google it, it relates to JWH, but I have been i ...
20-7-2012 at 16:34
by: chucknorris
Vacuum distillation flask limits
The oil bath autoignited. My 2kw cooking plate seems to get at LEAST 400 degrees c temps, my thermom ...
20-7-2012 at 15:37
by: chucknorris
What just happened..? Ethyl Sulfate attempt..
I have synthetised nearly a kilo of (sodium) ethyl sulfate so far with good success. You can find my ...
20-7-2012 at 15:33
by: chucknorris
Vacuum distillation flask limits
I had sand bath before. I tried oil bath, but it caught fire and almost destroyed my glassware. I tr ...
20-7-2012 at 01:16
by: chucknorris
What just happened..? Ethyl Sulfate attempt..
So I attempted to vacuum distill ethyl sulfate freebase. At the beginning some white fumes appeared ...
20-7-2012 at 01:00
by: chucknorris
Vacuum distillation flask limits
Thanks for the answers!

Im having trouble driving high vacuum with aspirator. I dont know the exa ...
19-7-2012 at 15:40
by: chucknorris
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