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styrene -> something interesting I don't understand the above document. Apparently, it is an "improved method" over the previous meth ... |
21-1-2011 at 03:50 by: manimal |
styrene -> something interesting [quote]Chlorination of styrene in the presence of Bz2O2 at 100-10° gave 12
chlorinated products, w ... |
20-1-2011 at 15:30 by: manimal |
Decarboxylation of α-methylated amino acid According to an ACS article, α-methyl amino acids undergo thermal decarboxylation to yield ... |
7-1-2011 at 21:20 by: manimal |
So my house was raided today. [rquote=189258&tid=14529&author=madscientist]Yes, that's what I had in mind.
I ... |
5-10-2010 at 22:01 by: manimal |
So my house was raided today. [rquote=189128&tid=14529&author=madscientist]Prosecutors and police alike are going to go af ... |
5-10-2010 at 13:08 by: manimal |
So my house was raided today. [rquote=189082&tid=14529&author=Polverone][url= ... |
3-10-2010 at 19:40 by: manimal |
So my house was raided today. [rquote=189076&tid=14529&author=entropy51]Most of them are not in prison for violent crime, ... |
3-10-2010 at 17:18 by: manimal |
So my house was raided today. [rquote=189039&tid=14529&author=Magpie]I agree. I often purposely leave a box of my mother' ... |
3-10-2010 at 15:54 by: manimal |
So my house was raided today. [rquote=188770&tid=14529&author=Nicodem]
The meaning of "straight" as "being heterosexual" ... |
2-10-2010 at 21:43 by: manimal |
The short questions thread (3) I am going to try making a sealed stirrer out of a blender blade unit, tentatively by placing the ho ... |
18-9-2010 at 23:30 by: manimal |
Interesting benzyl chloride synth I discovered [rquote=186480&tid=14063&author=Nicodem]Can't say anything about what solvent would be ideal ... |
31-8-2010 at 11:40 by: manimal |
Interesting benzyl chloride synth I discovered [rquote=186252&tid=14063&author=Nicodem]I did not say that styrene polymerized. I said it ol ... |
30-8-2010 at 17:51 by: manimal |
Interesting benzyl chloride synth I discovered [rquote=185680&tid=14063&author=Nicodem][rquote=185673&tid=14063&author=manimal]I am ... |
26-8-2010 at 23:46 by: manimal |
Interesting benzyl chloride synth I discovered [rquote=181892&tid=14063&author=jon]hey i have a question for you guys seeing how i'm dumber ... |
19-8-2010 at 22:37 by: manimal |
Interesting benzyl chloride synth I discovered I will chime in my appreciation for Nic's experimentalism.
I am still on about the topic of styre ... |
19-8-2010 at 22:32 by: manimal |
p-hydroxybenzaldehyde? You could start by sulfonating toluene to p-tosic acid, followed by fusion with caustic soda to form ... |
17-8-2010 at 01:55 by: manimal |
styrene -> something interesting [quote]Chlorination of styrene in the presence of Bz2O2 at 100-10° gave 12
chlorinated products, w ... |
15-8-2010 at 02:00 by: manimal |
The short questions thread (3) [rquote=184794&tid=14239&author=Formatik]DMSO doesn't convert to dimethyl sulfate in the bod ... |
11-8-2010 at 16:23 by: manimal |
The short questions thread (3) I am curious: is dimethyl sulfide/sulfoxide/sulfone oxidizable to methanol+sulfate ion? The reason I ... |
9-8-2010 at 13:44 by: manimal |
Thiourea Dioxide --> better than borohydride? [rquote=178605&tid=11785&author=Nicodem]
* There are plenty of papers claiming this reagent ... |
30-7-2010 at 23:52 by: manimal |
lefetamine The stable tautonomer would lie with an enamine, no? |
16-5-2010 at 22:13 by: manimal |
lefetamine According to what I have read, phenyl alkyl ketones are difficult to aminate reductively. I wonder i ... |
16-5-2010 at 21:10 by: manimal |
The short questions thread (2) [rquote=178034&tid=12054&author=entropy51]L-Pac? Is that some of that drug cook's terminolo ... |
15-5-2010 at 19:21 by: manimal |
The short questions thread (2) I have in mind a reaction that alkylates an m-nitrobenzyl-alkyl-ketone at the alpha-carbon with an a ... |
15-5-2010 at 15:49 by: manimal |
The short questions thread (2) Yes, but yields will likewise be low. |
15-5-2010 at 15:44 by: manimal |
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