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problem with solubilities
I have this problem (work related)

I have a saturated Ca-salt solution of an organic acid, Ca co ...
16-4-2004 at 15:14
by: rikkitikkitavi
V2O5 catalyst for H2SO4 production.
PVC is resistant to high concentrations of
H2SO4 when cold (20 C).

2-4-2004 at 09:22
by: rikkitikkitavi
Electrolysis of Nitrates
MgO doesnt hydrolyse easily to Mg(OH)2

Neither is it easy to react
Mg(OH)2 + 2 NH4NO3 => Mg( ...
30-3-2004 at 06:01
by: rikkitikkitavi
V2O5 catalyst for H2SO4 production.
Auto ignition point is a theoretical and empirical value which corresponds the lowest temperature w ...
29-3-2004 at 09:36
by: rikkitikkitavi
V2O5 catalyst for H2SO4 production.
the fact that he wrote that he was increadbibly drunk could have something to do with firing up a pr ...
27-3-2004 at 03:23
by: rikkitikkitavi
V2O5 catalyst for H2SO4 production.
axehandle , are you going to use 100 % oxygen as a feed?

imagine sulfur burning in a 100 % oxyge ...
19-3-2004 at 13:37
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers
never mind, errare humane est
or maybe alea jacta est ?

19-3-2004 at 08:17
by: rikkitikkitavi
reacting iron(III) hydroxide with formic acid
yes, I was suspecting that it had something to do with the very low solubility of Fe(OH)3 , a formic ...
17-3-2004 at 22:43
by: rikkitikkitavi
reacting iron(III) hydroxide with formic acid
sounds simple,

Fe(OH)3 (s) + 3 HCOOH (aq) should give
Fe(HCOO)3 (aq) + 3 H2O

but not, only ...
17-3-2004 at 11:27
by: rikkitikkitavi
I filled my garage with SO2!(Now I am sick)
axehandle, you probably didnt experience more than 10 ppm, 1000 ppm is a LOT!

http://www.ccohs.c ...
15-3-2004 at 10:22
by: rikkitikkitavi
Microwave question, possibly stupid.
ok, i understand. For some reason I was thinking about a whole microwave oven used as a combustion c ...
8-3-2004 at 08:58
by: rikkitikkitavi
Microwave question, possibly stupid.
why on earth do you want to use the microwave oven as a burner, i e heat up the sulfur?

A magnet ...
7-3-2004 at 07:33
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers

6-3-2004 at 12:06
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers
I dont like to be called fool, whatever way you put it. So I suggest you tag it down and read what I ...
6-3-2004 at 11:01
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers
no , i didnt learn it at school , but at university...

simulation with chemcad shows that air , s ...
5-3-2004 at 23:20
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers
no, i am serious , wet and dry air has almost similar heat capacity.

so you wont see any differe ...
5-3-2004 at 13:53
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers
ok, i guess it worked fine for you :)

actually wet and dry air has almost the same heat capacity ...
5-3-2004 at 11:54
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers
yes , the oil will increase duty cycles if it is allowed to cool in between. I m not killing your id ...
5-3-2004 at 10:33
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers
but the problem is the liquid (regardless of type of liquid) penetrating between the wires. There wi ...
4-3-2004 at 11:48
by: rikkitikkitavi
V2O5 catalyst for H2SO4 production.
in princip it would not be so hard to come by battery acid, if you knew someone who owns a gas stati ...
4-3-2004 at 08:52
by: rikkitikkitavi
Massive transformers
but you have to cool the oil in some way, otherwise you end up with a hot transformer in warm oil. c ...
4-3-2004 at 08:50
by: rikkitikkitavi
CuSO4 and Precipitation Questions
solubility of CaSO4 is abou 1gr/liter, so about 0,01 M . Thus 99 % would preciptate from a 1M soluti ...
28-2-2004 at 13:55
by: rikkitikkitavi
Boy killed in Sweden by homemade explosive

A major swedi ...
22-2-2004 at 09:58
by: rikkitikkitavi
Birkeland-Eyde reactor for making nitric acid.
nitric acid can easily be concentrated to 68 % by distillation at normal pressure...

glass, stain ...
22-2-2004 at 02:47
by: rikkitikkitavi
Enviormentalist nightmare? Chemist Dream Land? The Superfund Sites
in sweden we have a lake used as a recepient from a nitro plant from late 19th century until environ ...
19-2-2004 at 11:51
by: rikkitikkitavi
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