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One more drop
This is not the most famous [url=]pitch drop exper ...
20-7-2013 at 09:14
by: Endimion17
Pyrolysis of sugar to make Carbon anodes
This would work only if you need heavy duty carbon electrodes for things where you need:

- extrem ...
20-7-2013 at 08:37
by: Endimion17
Pure Gasses You Can Make... Any Ideas?
I love the Royal Institution videos. I remember spending one entire night just watching those lectur ...
19-7-2013 at 10:10
by: Endimion17
Pure Gasses You Can Make... Any Ideas?
[rquote=292922&tid=25186&author=bfesser][rquote=292920&tid=25186&author=Endimion17] ...
18-7-2013 at 16:15
by: Endimion17
Pure Gasses You Can Make... Any Ideas?
[rquote=292907&tid=25186&author=Hexavalent]I would suggest you avoid experimenting on animal ...
18-7-2013 at 12:37
by: Endimion17
Pure Gasses You Can Make... Any Ideas?
I know, but the topic of production of immediately pure gases is something that's usually mentioned ...
17-7-2013 at 11:12
by: Endimion17
Pure Gasses You Can Make... Any Ideas?
The title contains "pure", yet no pure gases are being discussed.

Any reaction in aqueous solutio ...
17-7-2013 at 10:48
by: Endimion17
how many females here
Fuck, that's sad. There must be really sexually suppressed people around here. Who'd say?
I'm far f ...
17-7-2013 at 06:05
by: Endimion17
how many females here
So people hide their gender around here... Interesting. It came to my mind, but I haven't expected i ...
17-7-2013 at 05:49
by: Endimion17
how many females here
Riding horses isn't considered a masculine thing? Since when is that? o_O

I wouldn't say female g ...
16-7-2013 at 16:13
by: Endimion17
how many females here
So... two years later... Any changes? How many active female forum users do we have?
16-7-2013 at 00:21
by: Endimion17
Relatively simple yet useful physics equations
[rquote=292441&tid=25143&author=Solomon]What are some relatively simple but very useful phys ...
15-7-2013 at 15:22
by: Endimion17
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
IIRC, WP has nothing to do with metamphetamines. It's pretty useless for such things partially due t ...
15-7-2013 at 15:07
by: Endimion17
Drinking Heavy Water (D2O)
[rquote=292196&tid=25095&author=phlogiston]Endimion17, in fact the mice that were on >40% ...
13-7-2013 at 21:49
by: Endimion17
Drinking Heavy Water (D2O)
If the mice have been on a prolonged diet consisting of up to 50% heavy water intake, they well migh ...
13-7-2013 at 15:21
by: Endimion17
Experiences with ???
The banner is obviously a joke, but remember that the security forces are mostly made out of pretty ...
12-7-2013 at 07:56
by: Endimion17
Experiences with ???
[rquote=291868&tid=25034&author=bfesser][rquote=291817&tid=25034&author=Endimion17]I ...
12-7-2013 at 07:51
by: Endimion17
Experiences with ???
Isn't that the site where Pyro got his faulty RP? :S

And can anyone please explain what the fuck ...
12-7-2013 at 03:54
by: Endimion17
Experiences with ???
And to think I've actually thought the people behind it were smart. :D

I obviously have to be car ...
11-7-2013 at 14:35
by: Endimion17
Unkown glass tube thing with powder/metal inside
It looks like a tube for detecting some kind of gas. You know, like those classic detection of level ...
7-7-2013 at 09:52
by: Endimion17
Fluorescence of a plastic spoon
I have the same damn spoon.
That's not the dye itself what you've "isolated". It's some goo made of ...
6-7-2013 at 06:11
by: Endimion17
Tritium and nuclear chemistry
[rquote=290862&tid=18706&author=Solomon]I figure we just look at genetic sequence difference ...
5-7-2013 at 10:33
by: Endimion17
Tritium and nuclear chemistry
[rquote=290595&tid=18706&author=woelen][rquote=235222&tid=18706&author=Wizzard]It wo ...
4-7-2013 at 07:29
by: Endimion17
Bad days in the lab or with glassware?
I know those clamps. Crappy and worthless pieces of equipment capable of holding only the lightest s ...
4-7-2013 at 05:14
by: Endimion17
What is this, SM has turned into Homework For Lazy Students?
4-7-2013 at 04:42
by: Endimion17
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