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The short questions thread (3)
Will Tetrahydrafuran react with pure copper in anyway?
18-10-2011 at 20:45
by: Pope
toluene --> benzaldehyde
Going back to the 3rd page, would it be possible to form an adduct with cinnamaldehyde from cassia o ...
15-6-2011 at 21:19
by: Pope
The short questions thread (3)
In ord ...
21-10-2010 at 21:18
by: Pope
The short questions thread (3)
[rquote=189519&tid=14239&author=Sedit][rquote=189432&tid=14239&author=Pope]How would ...
16-10-2010 at 23:16
by: Pope
The short questions thread (3)
How would one approach trying to separate an azeotropic mixture of Toluene/Methyl Ethyl Ketone, my g ...
6-10-2010 at 21:19
by: Pope
The short questions thread (2)
Hmmm... I continued researching into it more and I don't know how it evaded me, but I would like to ...
1-6-2010 at 04:54
by: Pope
The short questions thread (2)
If possible could someone link me to a viable source, I've only found one place where they said you ...
20-5-2010 at 19:37
by: Pope
The short questions thread (2)
Can Phenylpropanolamine be produced by the reductive amination of L-Pac Via the below method except ...
13-5-2010 at 04:16
by: Pope
Exotic Primaries - Complex Salts
Yea it is a dumb question cause it most probably has been answered god knows how many times, but it ...
18-10-2009 at 02:55
by: Pope
Exotic Primaries - Complex Salts
Is there a metathesis process I can use with KNO3 and Copper ******? to get copper nitrate?
16-10-2009 at 13:29
by: Pope

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