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Recommendations for a hotplate? I'm with Varmint. I will wait as long as I need to in order to find what I want for a reasonable pri ... |
7-11-2014 at 05:53 by: adamsium |
Recommendations for a hotplate? I have a 110 V IKA hotplate, although I am in Australia. I just use a stepdown transformer. I waited ... |
27-10-2014 at 04:52 by: adamsium |
Just had cops show up [rquote=343809&tid=30476&author=HeYBrO][rquote=343545&tid=30476&author=adamsium][rqu ... |
1-9-2014 at 03:32 by: adamsium |
Just had cops show up [rquote=343549&tid=30476&author=hissingnoise][quote]. . . our ridiculously bloated governme ... |
30-8-2014 at 04:15 by: adamsium |
Just had cops show up [rquote=343502&tid=30476&author=Oscilllator]Well I just thought I'd put this out there: Ever ... |
29-8-2014 at 06:20 by: adamsium |
methyl iodide NZ [rquote=342936&tid=32910&author=Paddywhacker]what he said. But still, if you have lemons, y ... |
24-8-2014 at 16:20 by: adamsium |
methyl iodide NZ Why on earth would anyone want to use iodomethane as a source of iodine? |
23-8-2014 at 21:15 by: adamsium |
The Forum Has Been Hacked Given that this is not the first time that Manifest has made a forum-related 'hack', it is rather di ... |
13-8-2014 at 16:14 by: adamsium |
[HIT !] IKA and Heidolph stirrer/hotplates + Pt-100 for GOOD PRICE [HIT !] I think you get about 24 hours to edit a post. One of the administrators or moderators should be abl ... |
17-4-2014 at 03:05 by: adamsium |
Using the Acetone enolate from Sodium Hydroxide Yes, I know this is an exception - I think I was pretty clear about that and that was much of the po ... |
14-4-2014 at 04:40 by: adamsium |
Hotplates - Bite the bullet and go Chinese? My thoughts on the cheap Chinese hotplates: ... |
14-4-2014 at 01:58 by: adamsium |
Using the Acetone enolate from Sodium Hydroxide I actually did the aldol condensation of acetone and benzaldehyde to produce dibenzalacetone in my o ... |
14-4-2014 at 01:48 by: adamsium |
Science in School = Zero tolerance We used to fill soft drink bottles with hydrogen and oxygen, mount them upside down and launch them ... |
12-4-2014 at 07:03 by: adamsium |
did I really just find an OTC source for sodium metal!? [rquote=308828&tid=26076&author=Pyro]I just discovered something great, they don't only have ... |
28-11-2013 at 07:22 by: adamsium |
Pseudoscience & Willful Ignorance franklyn - none of those quotes support accepting pseudoscience or taking it seriously. To me, they ... |
24-11-2013 at 05:35 by: adamsium |
[Advice Sought] I'm trying to generate a dry CO2 atmosphere to extract Li in. Just a note about condensing oxygen from a gas stream with liquid nitrogen - this is really not some ... |
10-11-2013 at 06:06 by: adamsium |
Isolating Methyl Salicylate Okay, I've looked at my notes and here is what I did to isolate the product:
[list=1][*]Added the r ... |
5-11-2013 at 04:10 by: adamsium |
Isolating Methyl Salicylate I had a similar experience. I believe I ended up deciding - as you mentioned - that it was likely ex ... |
4-11-2013 at 05:37 by: adamsium |
chromatography column? [rquote=263998&tid=21983&author=Funkerman23]Unless I am very much mistaken flash chromatogra ... |
4-8-2013 at 18:23 by: adamsium |
Butyric acid from butanol & KMnO4 [rquote=294212&tid=25226&author=Paddywhacker]that there is no way in the word that you will ... |
31-7-2013 at 05:23 by: adamsium |
Butyric acid from butanol & KMnO4 I hadn't heard of using nitric acid, either. Based on what I've learned in my organic chem classes s ... |
29-7-2013 at 09:21 by: adamsium |
Butyric acid from butanol & KMnO4 I found a patent that you might find interesting. They used nitric acid (and lots of it) and suppose ... |
25-7-2013 at 22:50 by: adamsium |
Butyric acid from butanol & KMnO4 Concentrating the solution under reduced pressure means to remove some of the solvent and possibly e ... |
25-7-2013 at 21:04 by: adamsium |
Real chemistry is dying out, why? Antiswat:
No, no and no!
Just because it might be cheaper, per unit of weight, to buy in bulk, ... |
12-7-2013 at 07:34 by: adamsium |
Oh yeah, no reason to be paranoid... I'm sorry; I just can't resist any longer.
[img] ... |
11-7-2013 at 06:42 by: adamsium |
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