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Newest chemical elements get proposed names
How about unobtanium.....or would that be too much of a cliché?
2-1-2012 at 23:53
by: eyeofjake
Toxicity of phosgene
As a weapons specialist, I have to say that it can be deadly....and it can't. Chemical weapons vary ...
2-1-2012 at 23:45
by: eyeofjake
Best and worst smelling chemicals?
I hear hydrogen cyanide is pretty nasty smelling....the last smell you will ever get haha.
2-1-2012 at 23:33
by: eyeofjake
Quick question?
I remember looking at this manual. The guy has solid stoichiometry in the reactions which is good si ...
2-1-2012 at 23:30
by: eyeofjake
N3, a longshot.
A cyclo-nitrogen ring......imagine the instability if possible. Just thinking about it in a negative ...
2-1-2012 at 23:24
by: eyeofjake
Nipolite and gunpowder + PETN (replacing gunpowder)
You first need to realize is that Germany was always looking for new sources of propellant as they w ...
2-1-2012 at 23:15
by: eyeofjake

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