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Aniline Nitrate There's a slight confusion here. You are trying to make aniline nitrate the salt (PhNH[sub]3[/sub][s ... |
22-12-2017 at 22:44 by: kavu |
Four thieves vinegar [rquote=494686&tid=77526&author=Assured Fish]
There are plenty of examples where m ... |
15-10-2017 at 04:41 by: kavu |
Four thieves vinegar Drug synthesis is complicated by the purity requirements for all stages including the final API. The ... |
14-10-2017 at 22:07 by: kavu |
Geosmin synthesis [rquote=490408&tid=76101&author=CuReUS][rquote=490395&tid=76101&author=kavu]
This b ... |
14-8-2017 at 06:41 by: kavu |
Geosmin synthesis Accessing the proposed aldol product using this method is difficult. The Robinson annulation will no ... |
13-8-2017 at 23:57 by: kavu |
Identify This? It's an Abderhalden's drying pistol. Nowadays a fairly obsolete piece of equipment.
The male join ... |
16-6-2017 at 08:25 by: kavu |
What is this Chemical? Looks a lot like chromium(III)oxide and the reactivity profile would match as well. You could check ... |
23-7-2016 at 00:49 by: kavu |
Methylation of 1-iodo-2-naphthol A quick reaxys search finds only two literature examples for methylating 1-iodo-2-naphthol, whereas ... |
28-6-2016 at 00:43 by: kavu |
Hydrochloric Acid: Mixture or Compound? Your teacher is wrong and you are right. Hydrochloric acid is indeed the solution of dissociated and ... |
25-8-2015 at 23:38 by: kavu |
Grignard in presence of free OH Interestingly enough silyl protected bromoethanols are not very commonly applied in grignard situati ... |
19-8-2015 at 05:39 by: kavu |
Grignard in presence of free OH In the case of these deprotonation based "protections", which sometimes work, you have the problem o ... |
16-8-2015 at 07:24 by: kavu |
Grignard in presence of free OH No, it is not. Grignard reagents (conjugate bases of alkanes) are much more basic than typical alcoh ... |
14-8-2015 at 04:27 by: kavu |
Handling Benzoyl Chloride? Benzoyl chloride is not nearly as bad a lacrymathor as benzyl chloride. It just has a pungent, pecul ... |
12-8-2015 at 02:34 by: kavu |
What do you think about the Wikiversity ? Wikis are in general not very good for learning stuff, they are good however for quick references. T ... |
6-4-2015 at 00:58 by: kavu |
diethylsulfide I have had the displeasure of working with this particular thioether. The foul smell is very pungent ... |
6-4-2015 at 00:53 by: kavu |
Very First Step into Organic Chemistry [rquote=399059&tid=61952&author=Loptr]
Yes, I know inorganic chemistry is what we first lea ... |
30-3-2015 at 23:35 by: kavu |
Very First Step into Organic Chemistry [rquote=399038&tid=61952&author=aga]
What you Sith Masters are doing is carefully balancing ... |
30-3-2015 at 01:10 by: kavu |
Very First Step into Organic Chemistry [rquote=398986&tid=61952&author=aga]
Some questions :-
If you're going to reflux with he ... |
29-3-2015 at 23:52 by: kavu |
my lab instructor... Well, first of all NaBH4 is not all that sensitive to water, the reaction is reasonably slow. For ex ... |
4-3-2015 at 03:25 by: kavu |
Need help on amino alcohols There are many perfectly good alpha-amination reactions, consider using them. This nucleophilic amin ... |
31-8-2014 at 23:46 by: kavu |
prepration of 1,6-dibromohexane Well the IR and MS are doomed to be very similar. You really need to have a 1H and 13C NMRs done on ... |
27-8-2014 at 01:36 by: kavu |
Grignard reaction work up with concentrated sulfuric acid? If the specific compound is not found try searching with similar structural motifs. In the case of h ... |
25-7-2014 at 07:19 by: kavu |
Is a Schlenk line absolutely necessary? Most typical air/moisture sensitive reactions can be run without a Schlenk line. Assemble the appara ... |
25-7-2014 at 04:47 by: kavu |
Grignard reaction work up with concentrated sulfuric acid? Barbier belongs to the "not in general" group, mosly I just wanted to emphasize this because the pro ... |
25-7-2014 at 01:38 by: kavu |
Grignard reaction work up with concentrated sulfuric acid? in general zinc is not a suitable replacement for magnesium in grignard type reactions. Quenching an ... |
25-7-2014 at 00:35 by: kavu |
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