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Extraction of Iodine from Tincture - A Question of Mechanics
That extra brain power is what I need, as I am still learning, albeit slowly. I'd rather have the ap ...
11-8-2010 at 18:32
by: oxybate
Extraction of Iodine from Tincture - A Question of Mechanics
[size=4][font=Book Antiqua]I thought it would be interesting to make an experiment out of extracting ...
11-8-2010 at 17:50
by: oxybate
How Prophetic I was:
Just had to dig up this old thread after reading about this. If you will remember, I had decided aga ...
17-1-2009 at 20:59
by: oxybate
How dangerous is it to store nitromethane?
I have several gallons of 80% nitromethane/20% methanol (no oil additive at all) stored in plastic b ...
14-2-2008 at 12:50
by: oxybate
Science of Spherification!
Are any of you familiar with this?

I stumbled upon this at a bar in Baltimore where one of the ba ...
2-8-2007 at 08:01
by: oxybate
The Sodium Acetate Thing
Thanks for the suggestions. I followed the Youtube video which is quite deceptive.
26-7-2007 at 07:58
by: oxybate
The Sodium Acetate Thing
Well I got a bunch of that.

However, it's not so easy as shown on YouTube. Anytime I try to cool ...
24-7-2007 at 18:14
by: oxybate
For the Element Collectors
I posited a (perhaps, biting) irrelevancy to point out the absurdity of his entire collection of pos ...
8-7-2007 at 14:28
by: oxybate
For the Element Collectors
[quote]UK methamphetamine is rare and almost unheard of. [/quote]

Apparently, dental hygiene is a ...
7-7-2007 at 20:53
by: oxybate
For the Element Collectors
amen. I have the bromine and white p in acrylic on the way.
6-7-2007 at 18:40
by: oxybate
Videos of various lab procedures?
thanks ac!
6-7-2007 at 11:51
by: oxybate
Anything fun to do with Aluminum Chloride
I believe its the hydrated form.

Any cool color changes or what not with things lying around the ...
6-7-2007 at 10:49
by: oxybate
For the Element Collectors
This place is awesome!

[url=]Metallium, Inc.[/url]

Check out the Br ...
4-7-2007 at 11:48
by: oxybate
Dichloromethane otc product
Damn, Conductor. After all these questions, one would have though you'd been able to synthesize that ...
4-7-2007 at 11:41
by: oxybate
Videos of various lab procedures?
Nevermind - figured it out.

Thanks again Darkblade. Much appreciated.
2-7-2007 at 12:53
by: oxybate
Videos of various lab procedures?
Thanks for reposting it! How can I rip these to my harddrive?
2-7-2007 at 12:12
by: oxybate
Videos of various lab procedures?
I remember coming across a website that had videos of a simple distillation, fractional distillation ...
1-7-2007 at 11:39
by: oxybate
Seriously, what is with this cyanide fetish that permeates this board? I have seen more posts regard ...
23-6-2007 at 18:19
by: oxybate
Intelligent Acquisition of Reagents
They are, but they aren't OC. While they eat from the same trough, theit choices as to which of the ...
13-6-2007 at 15:38
by: oxybate
Smells surrounding distillations and reflux
1. If an atmospheric distillation is setup and performed correctly, will there still be enough of a ...
12-6-2007 at 11:18
by: oxybate
Intelligent Acquisition of Reagents
"That seems excessive and repressive."

I really don't think its much different here in the US. I' ...
10-6-2007 at 13:46
by: oxybate
Quick Pump Question - Promise to do a Write-Up for the Board afterwards.
I have a Nalgene aspirator. I guess I'll try and look up the specs of it.
30-5-2007 at 20:12
by: oxybate
"This reminds me of the story about a few months ago."

Haha. And they've been busted up ...
29-5-2007 at 16:42
by: oxybate
How's $24 per liter for 70% nitric acid?

I'm surprised you don't see anything "convincing" from those links: (1) A website my kid br ...
29-5-2007 at 16:38
by: oxybate
Quick Pump Question - Promise to do a Write-Up for the Board afterwards.
After endless reading, it's become clear (or perhaps I'm still in the dark - that is for you Rhode ...
29-5-2007 at 16:24
by: oxybate
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