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Indium 500g Muffin Ingots - 99.9%+ - $250 each
PM me if interested.
29-8-2015 at 18:47
by: zephler1
Parr 425HC3 Pressure Vessel 3000 PSI, High Pressure Reaction Vessel, PTFE lined - for sale
used, with very slight cosmetic rust on exterior

Parr Instrument Company # 425HC3 Pressure vesse ...
26-6-2015 at 14:27
by: zephler1
Will trade 500 grams of 50% indium alloy for analysis
I have a few kilos of what I think is about 50% Indium and a kilo of what I think is around 95%+ Ind ...
23-6-2015 at 15:06
by: zephler1
Chlorates and Perchlorates - for what??
There are a ton of posts in this section on the electrolytic production of chlorates and perchlorate ...
25-4-2015 at 11:06
by: zephler1
will trade 500 grams of >50% In Alloy for analysis of the alloy
[rquote=400559&tid=62073&author=Lambda-Eyde]How accurate do you need the analysis? I use a h ...
11-4-2015 at 13:11
by: zephler1
will trade 500 grams of >50% In Alloy for analysis of the alloy
50 -70% Indium / 40 - 20% Gallium / 10% Copper / <1% Selenium
10-4-2015 at 01:08
by: zephler1
will trade 500 grams of >50% In Alloy for analysis of the alloy
Hi Bert,

LOL - "mystery ingots". No, they were a bunch of scraps from a CIGS Solar operation at ...
9-4-2015 at 16:51
by: zephler1
will trade 500 grams of >50% In Alloy for analysis of the alloy
I have 9 samples of an Indium alloy that is well over 50% In (probably close to 75%), as well as one ...
9-4-2015 at 14:31
by: zephler1
Indium Smelting into Ingots
About 6 kg of Indium metal, that was produced from the Electrowinning of an InCl3 solution was place ...
29-3-2015 at 07:40
by: zephler1
organic electrochemical questions
Thank you for your reply. My interest is in Organic Electrochemical synthesis. I appreciate your c ...
16-2-2015 at 11:53
by: zephler1
organic electrochemical questions
A few questions, can someone help?

1. When calculating current density, do you consider only one ...
15-2-2015 at 14:46
by: zephler1
electrochemical reduction of nitrostyrenes using DSA anode?
All of the posts and articles that I have come across that describe a procedure to reduce nitrostyre ...
1-2-2015 at 11:08
by: zephler1
Advice for setting up small chemical distribution business?
I might be flamed mercilessly for this, but here goes...

I have been in the science / chemistry w ...
25-1-2015 at 04:23
by: zephler1
Thallium (I) Nitrate oxidation to Thallium (III) Nitrate?
Thanks for the info - I have decided not to touch this one!
3-1-2015 at 18:10
by: zephler1
Thallium (I) Nitrate oxidation to Thallium (III) Nitrate?
I can't seem to find any references on this - can someone help?

I was thinking that a simple trea ...
2-1-2015 at 13:47
by: zephler1
Expected yield from LiAlH4 reduction of nitropropene to alkyl amine?
Some references suggest at best, one can expect a 65% yield (using 5 equivalents of LiAlH4); does an ...
8-10-2014 at 04:46
by: zephler1
Scrubbing BH3 (B2H6) from reaction?
Generating BH3•THF via NaBH4 + BF3•THF is a well known process; however, any references that I h ...
7-10-2014 at 09:26
by: zephler1
double bond reduction of alpha-methylnitrostyrenes with NaBH4
And now in scientific language, what exactly does "yields are nice too" correspond to in %? Heating ...
23-9-2014 at 12:37
by: zephler1
BF3 + NaBH4 -> BH3 to reduce 3,4 mdns
Since BBr3 is know to cleave methoxy groups, I assume it can also cleave methylenedioxygroups, which ...
17-9-2014 at 08:57
by: zephler1
dialkylation of tryptamine with MeI and CsCO3
can someone post a link to this paper?

Synlett 2004(13): 2394-2396
8-9-2014 at 04:12
by: zephler1
dialkylation of tryptamine with MeI and CsCO3
Over alkylation is avoided using CsOH or CsCO3- it's called "The Cesium Effect"

[Edited on 3-9-2014 ...
3-9-2014 at 07:41
by: zephler1
dialkylation of tryptamine with MeI and CsCO3
CsCO3 is known to alkylate amines in a mono or di substituted pattern in a very controlled fashion u ...
2-9-2014 at 14:20
by: zephler1
error in translation of J. Prakt. Chemie (1930) electrochemical reduction of 3,4,5-trimethoxy-betanitrostyrene
odd that no one has mentioned this - perhaps my calculations are wrong, but the cathode is described ...
8-8-2014 at 04:49
by: zephler1
nitroaldol not dehydrating to nitrostyrene or something else?
I read a report about some researchers trying to make a nitrostyrene. They used 10g of the aldehyde ...
18-7-2014 at 14:58
by: zephler1
Why does NaCNBH3+GAA+formaldehyde not do pictet Spengler?
thanks for the info. I also wonder why N-alkylation of the indole N would not occur? Sterics with ...
2-5-2014 at 08:30
by: zephler1
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