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figuring out varying concentrations in lacquer thinner. [rquote=474923&tid=72340&author=aga]One of the reasons that i have not posted my own documen ... |
16-2-2017 at 16:54 by: zwt |
Wikipedia metric vs old stuff Your one example was reverted (by two people) because your calculations were off, not because someon ... |
16-2-2017 at 10:50 by: zwt |
Wikipedia metric vs old stuff They already have a guideline for this: [url= ... |
15-2-2017 at 12:03 by: zwt |
Changing salt water (sea water) drinkable (or less poisonous) by replacement reaction or acid There is another technology for producing a potable liquid from seawater, which meets your requireme ... |
14-2-2017 at 10:37 by: zwt |
US Pyrex kitchenware not Borosillicate glass! [rquote=474064&tid=72099&author=aga]No evidence of any chemistry At All yet from the OP, so ... |
7-2-2017 at 16:06 by: zwt |
Separation of a US nickel [rquote=466138&tid=16811&author=symboom]Copper aspirinate is insouble filter off
Nickel asp ... |
6-11-2016 at 06:14 by: zwt |
Now he's drinking cyanide [url=]Drinking Cyanide - Cody's lab[/url]
[quote]My abil ... |
17-10-2016 at 14:08 by: zwt |
Author asking for basic chemistry ideas for fiction. [rquote=464038&tid=70055&author=beethelzar]Can someone suggest how oxygen (O2) in ambient ai ... |
17-10-2016 at 06:42 by: zwt |
Author asking for basic chemistry ideas for fiction. [rquote=464041&tid=70055&author=AngelEyes]Combine it with Hydrogen and store as water?[/rquo ... |
17-10-2016 at 06:39 by: zwt |
Collection of colored gases/vapors A blue gas?
A quick search turned up [url= ... |
16-10-2016 at 20:14 by: zwt |
Flushing 8 liters Hg through the loo on YT, unsafe ? Unsafe? He didn't even die.
[url=] Mercury Test Result ... |
15-10-2016 at 16:49 by: zwt |
Salting out ethanol and distillation [rquote=463810&tid=61746&author=Maroboduus]It's a beverage, but its just water/ethanol in a ... |
15-10-2016 at 16:38 by: zwt |
sodium hydroxide for sale Sodium hydroxide can currently be had on eBay, in that quantity range, at prices as low as $3.17/lb ... |
15-10-2016 at 13:00 by: zwt |
Ammonium Hydroxide [rquote=463836&tid=69943&author=Morgan]Pink_slime[/rquote]
What an ingenious suggestion! Si ... |
15-10-2016 at 11:48 by: zwt |
Recent changes at Dr.Bob: Your posts were enlightening and much more relevant to the topic at hand, in my opinion.
[ ... |
12-10-2016 at 18:17 by: zwt |
Recent changes at I was taught that authority is not perfectly synonymous with responsibility, but I now see the term ... |
12-10-2016 at 16:27 by: zwt |
Recent changes at [rquote=463547&tid=69752&author=aga]Business, i.e. making money, has nothing to do with feel ... |
12-10-2016 at 14:50 by: zwt |
Recent changes at [rquote=463545&tid=69752&author=zed]You opened the topic, but you don't have any authority ... |
12-10-2016 at 14:14 by: zwt |
Recent changes at My bad entirely. I didn't realize this thread was about selling stuff on amazon, and I was under the ... |
10-10-2016 at 17:07 by: zwt |
catalysts, chemicals, reagents, solvents and others... A few of those terms are in German, are you shipping from Germany? |
10-10-2016 at 12:52 by: zwt |
MnO2 Madness You said: "some H3PO4 to dissolve the iron oxides," but you seem to know that phosphoric acid may re ... |
9-10-2016 at 18:27 by: zwt |
Recent changes at I'm actually warning against individuals counting on Amazon as a reliable source of certain products ... |
9-10-2016 at 18:05 by: zwt |
MnO2 Madness [rquote=463255&tid=69655&author=exodia]maybe some H3PO4 to dissolve the iron oxides before ... |
9-10-2016 at 08:02 by: zwt |
Recent changes at [rquote=463249&tid=69752&author=careysub]50 pounds at $1.25 per pound, shipping included.
... |
9-10-2016 at 07:59 by: zwt |
Recent changes at [rquote=463222&tid=69752&author=zed][rant][/rquote]
I expected this, and I didn't do enough ... |
8-10-2016 at 16:41 by: zwt |
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