Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Interesting glassware acquisition.

psychokinetic - 10-12-2010 at 23:10

I recently acquired a late birthday gift, and in it was some interesting laboratory glassware.

Too bad it will never get used: It's a cocktail set made of glassware!
(I don't drink or make cocktails, nor would I use it in the lab or as any food vessel).

Looks quite nice in my kitchen, though :)

On a related note, my Christmas present from the same person (That my lovely daughter tore open, hence me knowing what it is) is a plushie of the Black Death microbe. The joys of doing biochemistry and chemistry.

ldanielrosa - 11-12-2010 at 00:42

Sweet! That reminds me of some off-brand erlenmeyer flasks I picked up at a brew supply shop.

psychokinetic - 11-12-2010 at 12:54

My local brewer's shop has glassware in stock, but always refuses to sell it. I swear there's more dust than flask.