Sciencemadness Discussion Board

To jsum: I can't see whimsy there wor

TmNhRhMgBrSe - 8-9-2019 at 23:24

//From the front page of the forum.

9-09-2019 4-51-31 PM.png - 106kB

Sorry for not replying. I thought you would figure it out for yourself.
There is a drop-down list on every page so that you can open threads in the correct forum.//

Where ah??? I can't see that wor???

Corrosive Joeseph - 9-9-2019 at 00:01

On the front page -


Deathunter88 - 9-9-2019 at 00:50

@Corrosive Joeseph @j_sum1
It is important to remember that those who do not have access to Whimsy already cannot see it on the front page.

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12thealchemist - 9-9-2019 at 00:51

Whimsy cannot be viewed or accessed unless the user has been given permission - which usually means contacting an Admin or Moderator

TmNhRhMgBrSe - 9-9-2019 at 01:08

No wonder I can't see it. Thank you.

j_sum1 - 9-9-2019 at 03:22

Well, that's a change. When I joined I could see whimsy on the main menu although it was about a year before I asked for access.
It did not occur to me that it would not be visible.
My apologies.

Corrosive Joeseph - 9-9-2019 at 03:48

I must apologize too............ And when I joined, Whimsy and References were always there, with a note to ask for entry.
Just like j_sum says.


12thealchemist - 9-9-2019 at 05:43

To be honest, when I joined I could see both forums, but I went away for a couple of years and when I returned they had disappeared from the front page. I assumed it was a mediocre anti-spam defence or some such - before Melgar's script

hodges - 21-9-2019 at 14:12

I remember at one time many years ago everyone could see the Whimsy forum, but when you tried to view it it required a special password.

fusso - 22-9-2019 at 11:26

Yea, me too, when I joined I can see whimsy, staff lounge and refernce, but some time later they disappeared from the homepage.
Weirdly the test forum (Test area for testing spam prevention mechanisms, moderated by streety) is still visible from the homepage, but a password is required to access unlike other "hidden" subforums.