Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Nickel carbonate!

BauArf56 - 28-2-2020 at 03:13

Some days ago i've synthetized nickel carbonate. I do it in two steps: first, i make react metallic nickel and copper sulfate solution. After some hour the solution from light blue becomes transparent and copper settles in his surface (nichel sulfate in solution). I filter the solution from copper powder, then i add sodium carbonate to the solution and dark green precipitate forms . Now, i tried this process to make others metals carbonate. I placed some lead piece in the CuSO4 solution, but no reaction is visible. Do lead (slowly) react? And tin? Tin should react with copper sulfate, so tin carbonate is a possible synthesis (maybe). Is this process right? Which metals react with CuSO4?

Fery - 28-2-2020 at 03:33

Look for metal redox potential table. Pb is very close to Cu so reacts very slowly. Additionally, the Pb surface in CuSO4 is covered with PbSO4 which is poorly soluble in water and almost insoluble especially in a solution containing significant concentration of sulfate anions (due to CuSO4).

draculic acid69 - 28-2-2020 at 04:53

Dipping iron in cuso4 plates copper onto the iron and leaves iron sulfate in solution.

phlogiston - 28-2-2020 at 06:00

The problem is the formation of insoluble lead sulfate, as Fery says.
I've tried it with copper acetate, and that works fine. It's slow, but it works.