Sciencemadness Discussion Board


magnet - 24-5-2020 at 20:00

Was replicating Doug's Lab's p-toluenesulfonic acid video and mistakenly added sodium bisulfite instead of sodium carbonate for the thiophene removal solution(theyre stored in identical mason jars and labeled..I just wasnt paying proper attention). I guess I made something, but I dont know what. Never had chem in school so equations are beyond me at this point. Also,was I in danger of explosion from using the wrong chemical? Im lax to even admit the whole fiasco and expose my ineptitude,but curious of those two things if anyone can enlighten me. Thanks in advance science madness forum.

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woelen - 24-5-2020 at 23:19

If you are just following recipes and instructions from |Youtube, without proper understanding, then you are at risk!

In this particular case, there was no specific risk of explosion or formation of very dangerous compounds, but in general you don't know that. You REALLY must understand what you are doing, just following a recipe and hoping for the best is not what I would recommend.

Another reasdon for getting proper understanding is that things become much more interesting and more fun. My experience is that if I understand a reaction or even better, a complete pathway to a certain chemical, then I enjoy the process of making the compound much more.

magnet - 25-5-2020 at 02:29

Thank you for the reply Woelen. Agreed, and well stated without being rude about it. I certainly am/was jumping the gun. So,ugh....patience, and back to the books.

Tsjerk - 25-5-2020 at 03:20

Bisulfite and acid will form SO2, which is a toxic gas. Although you would have known when you breathed it, this could have been dangerous without a fume hood.