Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Preparation of Ultramarine (Video)

FriskyBismuth - 1-9-2021 at 12:26

Greetings fellow nerds (lol)

As a long-time lurker of sciencemadness I have learned quite a lot from this community. In fact, I am now working on a chemistry degree with a huge head start provided by my many cumulative hours of perusing this website.

A few months ago, I saw a post here by Arcaeca about making ultramarine blue. This led me down a whole lengthy process of also doing this, but with the resources available at the community college where I'm currently taking all the classes I can take before transferring to a university.

Since there was not a single video on Youtube depicting this synthesis (none that I could find anyway), I took it upon myself to document what I was doing and spent some time editing the video.

Hope you check it out and like what you see!

FriskyBismuth - 1-9-2021 at 12:28

Here's some pictures from this process

ultramarine reddit.JPG - 351kB IMG_8087.JPG - 2.1MB 06 - The Green Side Product (plus whatever blue stuff I couldn't isolate).JPG - 1.8MB 01 - The excitement of hot stuff.JPG - 1.8MB

Jome - 5-9-2021 at 10:40

That was a well put-together informative video! Making ultramarine blue is a project I've been wanting to do for a while. After the furnace project, of course.

Probably the varied palette of the batches is a result of very small variations in composition, temperature et cetera.

Chemetix - 6-9-2021 at 01:00

Ultramarines are probably the most difficult pigments to make and reproduce, Kudos for even attempting this and getting a result.