Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Is it possible to catch rabies indirectly from wooden sticks?

Bedlasky - 22-4-2023 at 17:49


I have probably stupid question. I was on a trip in mountains with my friend at tuesday in western Poland. We encoutered sick fox, it wasn't affraid of us, it seems like it tried to go to us, so we stepped back few meters. It wasn't aggresive though. It barely walked, it mostly lied in a mud. It's possible that it had rabies, maybe not. Fox didn't bite us, we didn't touch it. Friend suggested that we could take some wooden sticks to keep fox away from us and try to walk past it. So we picked some wet wodden sticks from the forest floor (let's say 10 meters away from the fox, I am not sure). But I still wasn't convinced that it is good idea and I found some doable path through the forest uphill. So we walked around the fox through that forest in a steep hill. And now that question - it is possible to catch rabies from that wet wooden stick we picked? Animals with rabies can bite in to everything they encounter. I know that's probably impossible, but I am really not expert in these things.

I firstly didn't thought about it, but I later find what rabies actually is, I didn't know until that. And then I thought about this and I can't get rid of these thought's ever since. I am not in a very good mental state in a past few years and this really doesn't help. In last two days I live in a constant fear and I had several panic attacks. I never experienced such horrible feelings. I know it's irrational, but it doesn't stop this. I probably need to read something from anyone who is more knowledgeble than me. So thanks to anyone who can give me answer, because I can't imagine one month with those feelings every day.

clearly_not_atara - 22-4-2023 at 18:18

The stick part is plausible, but I'm pretty sure that in order to contract rabies you have to break the skin. If you were scratched in any way during the encounter, you should seek medical attention. Otherwise, it's probably not a big deal, but you may want to report the incident so that people know there is rabies in the area.

wg48temp9 - 22-4-2023 at 19:12

I don't know but I suspect that the rabies virus is easily killed out side of a host because it does not cause an epidemic like the Corrona virus does.

Perhaps if you go and get the rabies vaccine it will reduce your worry. Apparently they have a vaccine that is effective even after your infected. Go to a doctor as soon as possibly. We don't want to miss your colorfull contributions.

Bedlasky - 27-4-2023 at 18:40

Thank both of you for answers. In sunday I phone call veterinary administration office, they usually deal with sick or injured animals and they told me, it was practicaly impossible cauth something in this way. My doctor in monday also told me that it is nonsense. She was more concerned about my mental state, which still isn't ok. Thanks for taking me serious, I really appreciate it. SM community is truly awesome.