Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Issue with khan academy

rodster - 18-2-2024 at 09:57

I'm a beginner who was recently going to start studying chemistry through
khan academy, but something happened with their website that I'd like some input about.

So, this is khan academy's material for their chemistry course as of
december 2023 (it definitely looked the same for weeks after this date)

this is the live link

can anyone tell me if you see any difference in these links, specifically the material in their "Unit 1" section. and what should I make of this.

bnull - 18-2-2024 at 13:56

It seems they just removed sections 2, 3, and 17. What's missing was probably reorganized in the appropriate sections. It happened (rarely) with (the Physics courses I had in) the MIT OCW, if I'm not mistaken.

rodster - 18-2-2024 at 14:17

the links I posted highlighted section 1 and from what I can see it is also different.