Sciencemadness Discussion Board

KNO3 and Simple Sugars revisited (Cu substitute)

carpetmonk - 28-6-2011 at 18:46

hey guys!

wonderful site you have here. i reached this site from a post by a member asking if copper sulfate would react (some strange way) with a mixture of potassium nitrate and sugar.


interested in a smoke display, the most common expiriment on the net is 3:2 ratio of potassium nitrate and sugar gently heated until the sugar "carmelizes"
once achieved, a half gram of sodium bicarbonate is added to control the 'burn'
the video posts on the net all show brilliant colored smoke, vague to what the ingredient is. only citing "organic dyes".
(the compounds ive since read that are used in potassium chlorate mixtures not KNO3). the color i researched in particular was Phthalocyanine blue.
which is unobtainable for me and most others, which led to a search for easily synthesized substitute.
searches for synthesis, and color (unfortunantly i believe the expiriments listed were for colored flame expiriments) led to the most hits on making copper sulfate crystals DIY.


the gentleman the posted here over kno3 and sugar, and questions regarding copper sulfate didnt explain well his idea. this is what led me to sciencemadness..
we, are looking for 'smoke pigment' that can be synthesized at home. (this where the other man, i believe, was asking about copper sulfate crystals)
is there an over the counter source of some of these compounds or a begginers level synthesis.. for dyes that handle the higher heat of potassium nitrate + sugar, (with ANY resulting color), and if not.. the same question again, but for potassium chlorate and sugar substitute like lactose.

Phthalocyanine blue
Rhodamine B

(i was hoping these were commonly used terms for a common lab chemical, but i have a feeling it was cut and pasted from a larger document and is some trade/proprietary secret [does anything drive a science minded person more bonkers than the word "secret"?] named enigmas as)
Oil orange
Oil yellow (butter yellow)

a KNO3 based compound for "yellow" with 16% sulphur (it only says sulphur) this mixture bothers me, in that there is only potassium nitrate (25%) and no sugar.. and the remaining (59%) is "realgar", which after research i dont want mcuh to do with.. expecially with an expiriment that will distribute particles in the air with the element of arsenic in them, even bonded to other elements. im guessing the sulfur is the substitute for the sugar?(realgar makes a beautiful red crystal though!)

sorry for such a long initial post!
so thats the question..
smoke dye/pigment substitute. an easy home sythesis, or already prepared over the counter ingredient, to complete the original smoke display

carpetmonk (happy upcoming july 4th!)