Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Title in SM

plante1999 - 14-2-2012 at 17:06

How do we get a title like AndersHoveland ''Giver of bad advice''? or like garage chemist ''chemical wizard''?


entropy51 - 14-2-2012 at 17:27

Quote: Originally posted by plante1999  
How do we get a title like AndersHoveland ''Giver of bad advice''? or like garage chemist ''chemical wizard''?

Extremely good or bad behavior results in such an award by Mr. Polverone, unless I am mistaken.

Extremely bad seems to be more common and is easier to achieve.

Lambda-Eyde - 14-2-2012 at 17:33

Polverone (or any other responsible for these titles), is it possible to "nominate" someone to get a title? There are some people on the board who really stick out (in a good way :)) which I think deserve one!

neptunium - 14-2-2012 at 19:08

human nature gives us the ability to view bad behaviors before the good other words its always easier to blame someone than reward someone

Pulverulescent - 15-2-2012 at 02:10

What about "Destroyers of Words"?


White Yeti - 17-2-2012 at 19:20

Hoveland got his title only recently, and yet his "giving of bad advice" dates waaaay back. He calmed down with his suspicious posts. I don't think he deserves his title; compared to other users, he's pretty tame. AJKOER, on the other hand, probably deserves some kind of title "giver of bad advice" being quite fitting for his obnoxious HClO posts.

As another user said, I will never be able to look at a bottle of bleach without thinking of AJKOER and his strange reaction mechanisms:)

plante1999 - 22-2-2012 at 14:41

Quote: Originally posted by White Yeti  

As another user said, I will never be able to look at a bottle of bleach without thinking of AJKOER and his strange reaction mechanisms:)

In fact it happen to me every time I do a synthesis with OCl-

AJKOER should have a title like : Hypochlorite reaction master

[Edited on 22-2-2012 by plante1999]

Neil - 22-2-2012 at 18:00

Master? That misses the mark of the miss applications he often prescribes. although in a few years he may indeed be a jedi hypochlorite master...

AndersHoveland - 22-2-2012 at 18:18

Perhaps you should not be too critical of AJKOER, the chemistry of hypochlorite can be more complex than many chemists realise.
Nitrogen oxides and chlorine oxides can have a suprisingly wide range of reaction equilibriums.

Neil - 22-2-2012 at 18:21

Which is roughly my point. Misapplication is still misapplication although he does continually strive to better apply.

The solution to all life's problems are not found in a bottle of vinegared bleach

Edit: I am continually impressed by the depth of Woelen's knowledge of Cl-O-H compounds and reactions, perhaps his title should be the "Super moderating unsung hero of Chlorine Oxides"

[Edited on 23-2-2012 by Neil]

Edit to my Edit: And the best title goes to the member who is apparently "Chief Censor in service of AGW-CPUSA Cabal" :o :D

[Edited on 23-2-2012 by Neil]

Bot0nist - 22-2-2012 at 20:00

I like the member who's title is "dush bag." It's the most fitting application.]

[Edited on 23-2-2012 by Bot0nist]

plante1999 - 23-2-2012 at 05:20

I think I find a more realistic title for AJKOER , Chemistry problems solver using a bottle of vinegared bleach.

Neil inspired me for this one.

plante1999 - 5-3-2012 at 13:44

Quote: Originally posted by AndersHoveland  
Perhaps you should not be too critical of AJKOER, the chemistry of hypochlorite can be more complex than many chemists realise.
Nitrogen oxides and chlorine oxides can have a suprisingly wide range of reaction equilibriums.

I know that , but not all chemicals can be made form hypochlorite/chlorine oxide. A good exemple is his idea to make sulfuric acid with vinegar, bleach (sodium hypochlorite) and sulfur. There is many other process that will not give a such contamined acid.

[Edited on 5-3-2012 by plante1999]

[Edited on 5-3-2012 by plante1999]

White Yeti - 5-3-2012 at 14:39

I just thought of a title for a moderator or administrator:

Forum boogieman:D

GreenD - 6-3-2012 at 06:38

Quote: Originally posted by White Yeti  
I just thought of a title for a moderator or administrator:

Forum boogieman:D


Bot0nist - 6-3-2012 at 07:10

He's 13, give him a break, lol.

plante1999 - 23-11-2012 at 14:13

I don't think I can claim a title... I guess I will work to get one since I like the idea to have an unique title.

And for AJKOER I seriously think he deserve a title about is obsetion for hypochlorites. Now I have sequels of him, like White Yeti said, every time I look or use a bottle of bleach I can't think of AJKOER's ideas. I think that's a good sign for a hypochlorite related title for him.

And by the way Ander title was changed lately.

Pyro - 3-8-2014 at 19:44

i just thought of a nice one for myself...
''Molotov cocktails don't taste as good as they sound''
what do you think?

elementcollector1 - 3-8-2014 at 21:37

Eh, it's not really a title so much as a signature.
What would mine be?
"Periodic Practitioner"?
"Doesn't believe in compounds"?
Hmm... Any ideas?

Texium - 4-8-2014 at 07:25

It never seems as cool if you try to force it. Just let it come to you on it's own, and it will be awesome.

Brain&Force - 4-8-2014 at 10:21

Lanthanide loonie - arkoma's suggestion - is the best one I've come across for myself.

arkoma - 4-8-2014 at 10:33

I asked Polverone for mine--evidently he concurred that it was apropos LOL