Sciencemadness Discussion Board

resistivity vs total dissolved solids of water

aeacfm - 20-2-2012 at 04:23

i performed analysis of formation water samples ( measured 10 cations , 3 anions , TDS , pH , gravity , resistivity ) and my boss told me that the relation between TDS and resistivty of water shown by my analysis is not correct and exceeds a factor !!!!

i asked him about such factor or the equation he derived this factor he told me nothing and said u will get it by experience
finally he said this factor must be between 2+0.05 !!!!!!!!!!!
do any body know any thing about that ???

Endimion17 - 20-2-2012 at 06:25

First of all, is your equipment in a good condition, and second, is it properly calibrated against a proper standard? Maybe something's wrong in the lab, and they're all used to it and have developed a factor. :D

aeacfm - 20-2-2012 at 06:39

Quote: Originally posted by Endimion17  
First of all, is your equipment in a good condition, and second, is it properly calibrated against a proper standard? Maybe something's wrong in the lab, and they're all used to it and have developed a factor. :D

yes i did , and the results of TDS are completely matched with specific gravity results as plotted in applied water chemistry text book graphed in its charts !!!!!!