Sciencemadness Discussion Board

horde of gear uncovered in Toronto

edgecase - 25-5-2012 at 19:33

So, I just bought a ten foot high pile of lab equipment from the widow of an oil sands chemist. What have I got myself into? 5 pounds of Cobalt Chloride, a waist-high Soxhlet, pounds of Silver Nitrate... a liter of dimethyl sulfoxide. I have definitely put the M in Science Madness today.

Thoughts on what to do with it all?

[Edited on 2012-5-26 by edgecase]

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Funkerman23 - 25-5-2012 at 19:36

Pardon my french but: PICS! Please?

edgecase - 25-5-2012 at 20:19

Thermometers - left all mercury, right, Hg with tapered joints

Gas washers, impinger, fritted, tapered end, straight end.

sweet mercy sized crystallizing dishes

magnetic stirred globe?

24/40 west condenser, big glass funnel, 1L Erlenmeyer, 1L graduated cylinder

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sargent1015 - 25-5-2012 at 22:24

My goodness, what a find!!

Congrats ;)

edgecase - 25-5-2012 at 23:58

but wait, there's more! Teaser image + link to gallery. I've uploaded photos of the more intersting half of the first of 3 carloads. And to think kids play video games for fun!

crazy_reagents.jpg - 90kB

Vargouille - 26-5-2012 at 05:31

Lovely reagents, especially the iodate.

Endimion17 - 26-5-2012 at 05:53

Am I the only one that cringes at the thought that my lab equipment, which I've carefully dedicated a significant part of my life, time and money, would be ripped apart on auctions "like a dead carcass in the desert sun"?
It just makes me nervous to think that I could die tomorrow, and all my work would be dissolved away. Not that I'd probably care, I'd be dead. Chances are there's nothing after death. It fucking sucks, I know.

For those reasons I don't like buying old, used things. There's a story behind them. Sometimes it's someone who has to give up his work because he has no money to support himself/family, sometimes someone dies, like this... oil sands chemist.
I catch myself thinking: "Wow, I'm like a scavenger".

Not that I think it's rational... or anything woo woo about it, it's just my feeling in the domain of morality.

But then again, at least someone will enjoy the fruits of his work. It depends how you look at things, I guess.

[Edited on 26-5-2012 by Endimion17]

Mailinmypocket - 26-5-2012 at 06:57

For myself knowing how hard it is to equip yourself as an amateur chemist, I would love that somebody can enjoy my equipment as much as I do when I'm gone. The thought of it all just sitting in boxes forever seems like an awful waste really...

Pyro - 26-5-2012 at 09:17

how much did you pay for all that?

edgecase - 26-5-2012 at 12:11

Is gloating proper etiquette for SM? If so, then I paid $600 for the lot, I'm going back tomorrow to pickup the rest in a pickup truck. Pwned?

Newly uncovered: 80cm vacuum jacketed 24/40 Vigreux column

mr.crow - 26-5-2012 at 12:43

Wow nice find! So much cool stuff!

Fossil - 26-5-2012 at 12:59

You really got quite the deal there for 600$. Are you by any chance planning on selling any of it?

edgecase - 26-5-2012 at 17:59

Yes there is way more than I have space for, there are many duplicates, etc. I am going to try and haul the rest home tomorrow and start cataloguing it.

There are like 6 cases of coors evaporating dishes, not sure why but enough for each SM member to get one as a door prize!

Swede - 27-5-2012 at 05:40

Did you calculate the value of the silver salts alone? Years ago when silver was $6 U.S. per troy ounce, it wasn't too bad, but now... your $600 investment is well spent.

Vargouille - 27-5-2012 at 06:32

I can't tell how much AgNO3 is in that bottle, but if it's even half-full, that's a good chunk of the $600, considering that one seller has 100g of AgNO3 for a little over $200. From the look of the prices of the salts, I'd guess that just buying the reagents by themselves would be around $600, if not higher.

You must've been born under a good star.

edgecase - 28-5-2012 at 07:14

AgNO3 in the bottle? There are 10 more bottles, i estimate 1.5kg, some of it is AgSO4, prolly 800g as Ag metal.... so that's covered the lot, and gas money. I will definitely let some of the savings "trickle down", first on SM then eBay. If anyone is making videos on youtube and has something they've been wanting to do, but can't for lack of gear... well you're on the top of my list :)

Speaking of videos... I could make my first video of making nitric acid, yawn... but how outrageous would it be to use AgNO3! Assuming it's easier to electroplate from AgSO4, I might as well.

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neptunium - 28-5-2012 at 08:35

Quote: Originally posted by Endimion17  
Am I the only one that cringes at the thought that my lab equipment, which I've carefully dedicated a significant part of my life, time and money, would be ripped apart on auctions "like a dead carcass in the desert sun"?
It just makes me nervous to think that I could die tomorrow, and all my work would be dissolved away. Not that I'd probably care, I'd be dead. Chances are there's nothing after death. It fucking sucks, I know.

For those reasons I don't like buying old, used things. There's a story behind them. Sometimes it's someone who has to give up his work because he has no money to support himself/family, sometimes someone dies, like this... oil sands chemist.
I catch myself thinking: "Wow, I'm like a scavenger".

Not that I think it's rational... or anything woo woo about it, it's just my feeling in the domain of morality.

But then again, at least someone will enjoy the fruits of his work. It depends how you look at things, I guess.

[Edited on 26-5-2012 by Endimion17]

i understand where you are coming from with it but look at it this way...
would you rather let all this equipment rot in a container for years and finaly over taken by vegetation? untill a greedy real estate company finds it and call the EPA to have it removed and destroyed?
happens all the time ,it makes me sick !

Fossil - 28-5-2012 at 11:47

I think we might have a new Dr. Bob over here with the stacks of lab equipment.

edit: typo

[Edited on 2012-5-28 by Fossil]

hyfalcon - 29-5-2012 at 02:43

How much oil sand contamination is left in all that glassware. It definitely has a brown tinge to it, at least some of it does.

edgecase - 29-5-2012 at 07:17

Quote: Originally posted by hyfalcon  
How much oil sand contamination is left in all that glassware. It definitely has a brown tinge to it, at least some of it does.

The small Sohxlet and other items in the garbage can were filthy, the roof in the trailer likely leaked carrying in whatever dirt was on the roof. That cleaned up except for a white streak on the outside, hope it's not etched glass from leaking hydroxide. The lady had all the chemicals in a burlap sack. Good thing the Na2SO3 and KH2PO4 didn't mix?

The sohxlet, and the 2 solvent stillheads have some sort of white resin, hot methanol will not get it out. I guess toluene or a base bath is next.

The Bucchi condenser was just brown from hard water, a little HCl sorted that out real quick. I'll tell you what though, bakelite or whatever the nuts are made out of don't like HCl, got a bit of a stain on one, whoops.

Some of the glass stopcock grease is a bit brown also.

Here is one large vacuum desiccator cleaned up, dried out, re-greased. Suggestions for safety shield?

large_vacuum_dessicator_and_charcoal.jpg - 47kB

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Endimion17 - 29-5-2012 at 07:31

Quote: Originally posted by edgecase  

Speaking of videos... I could make my first video of making nitric acid, yawn... but how outrageous would it be to use AgNO3! Assuming it's easier to electroplate from AgSO4, I might as well.

Fuck yeah, go for it! Include some calculations of the amount of money in the reaction vessel. You might reach YouTube fame.

Quote: Originally posted by neptunium  
i understand where you are coming from with it but look at it this way...
would you rather let all this equipment rot in a container for years and finaly over taken by vegetation? untill a greedy real estate company finds it and call the EPA to have it removed and destroyed?
happens all the time ,it makes me sick !

Yeah, I agree with you. This is a far better solution.

sargent1015 - 29-5-2012 at 09:04

I love the lab picture! Makes me so jealous my lab space doesn't look like that :(

MR AZIDE - 30-5-2012 at 11:11

Quote: Originally posted by edgecase  
but wait, there's more! Teaser image + link to gallery. I've uploaded photos of the more intersting half of the first of 3 carloads. And to think kids play video games for fun!

oooo!!!,,,,big juicy bottles of reagents there!!!!!!

The KI and KIO3 + acidification, produces a nice elemental Iodine from solution, although youve got a bottle of that there.......
Nice jar of CoCl2 as well........!!!!!

barley81 - 30-5-2012 at 11:46

The jar of KI makes me burn with envy... Just kidding. I really wish it were cheaper to buy though.

I was a little disappointed when my teacher poured a lot of nearly saturated KI on an exhausted elephant toothpaste reaction just to see what would happen. If I hadn't put the rest in a bottle, she would have thrown it away.

hyfalcon - 30-5-2012 at 14:31

Makes me drool with envy. Price some of the excess and start recovering your investment. Maybe, huh, huh, please, pretty ple.......

edgecase - 30-5-2012 at 16:57

Things I know already that are in excess:

-glass funnels, small ones and 20cm
-vials, sample jars 275ml 375ml
-distilling glassware, columns, condensers
-spotting plates... they must be the key to unlocking the tarsands oil
-crucibles, evaporating dishes - porcelain and PTFE (!)
-test tubes
-several 4L erlenmeyers, buchner, and griffin beakers
-glass fiber filter paper
-gooch (fritted) crucibles
-dean stark traps, mostly 24/40
-transfer pipettes, 50ml, 10ml, box of smaller various sizes
-plastic/glass/heavy glass petri dishes
-pasteur pipettes, many (qty 750) 5-3/4 inch
-volumetric flasks, 1 x 2L, several each smaller size
-hamilton microliter syringes
-10ml glass luer syringes
-cone joints, lampworking
-stopcocks valves, lampworking
-extension clamps
-chromatography columns
-500ml fleakers
-graduated cylinders to 1000ml
-sep funnels, mostly 125/250ml
-spherical 5liter 29/42 flasks with drain (sep funnel?)
-30ml kjeldal flasks
-sintered glass filter cones, cone jointed and plain
-gelman 47mm 1.2um filters

Funkerman23 - 31-5-2012 at 11:07

a thousand apologies for the buzzardry but what would you want for the 4 liter Erlenmeyerflasck and (4L) beakers if you did/do think of selling? Out of curiosity..

Thebrain - 2-6-2012 at 18:02

Let us know when you put this stuff up for sale!:cool:

MrTechGuy1995 - 3-6-2012 at 06:24

Quote: Originally posted by Thebrain  
Let us know when you put this stuff up for sale!:cool:

Please do!

What an amazing find, as I must say.

That silver nitrate must be nearly 20 year old.
Hopefully the light hasn't decomposed it all yet.

hyfalcon - 3-6-2012 at 08:49

I need everything, reflux distillation setup, all clamps stands and what not, reagent bottles,etc. I'll still looking just that "Right" organic ground glass setup, but something more important always seems to get in the way.

edgecase - 3-6-2012 at 19:11

Finally, pricing for some of the more common gear is attached.

[Edited on 2012-6-4 by edgecase]

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[Edited on 2012-6-4 by edgecase]

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edgeofacliff - 5-6-2012 at 13:41

Amazing find, just thinking of how long it took to collect all that stuff, its like you got a major boost to your chemistry education. Reading about these things is nothing like having them in your hands. Im sure the deceased would have been glad to know all his work was not for nothing. Carry on!

edgecase - 7-6-2012 at 11:14

Added more items, pricing to follow.

Attachment: Lab_gear_for_sale2.xls (23kB)
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[Edited on 2012-6-7 by edgecase]

Fossil - 9-6-2012 at 18:50

Bought some glass off of edgecase today. Nothing was broken or chipped, all good quality stuff, and I must add, he tossed in quite a few extras, free of charge. Great guy, I would absolutely recommend him to anyone in need of some glass.

Hexavalent - 10-6-2012 at 05:13

Looks like Dr Bob has competition:)

Fossil - 10-6-2012 at 06:33

I would say, hes got lab ware spilling out of his house!

Mailinmypocket - 10-6-2012 at 13:51

Quote: Originally posted by Hexavalent  
Looks like Dr Bob has competition:)

Dr. Bob is the Bobmb (bomb) lol

I recently ordered a condenser and adapter from edgecase, havent yet reveived them but the customer service is great and friendly.

edgecase - 11-6-2012 at 10:31

Quote: Originally posted by Fossil  
I would say, hes got lab ware spilling out of his house!

Yes, and thanks for the positive feedback!

lab_gear_spilling_out_of_window2.jpg - 112kB

Mailinmypocket - 13-6-2012 at 15:53

Just wanted to give my recommendation for edgecase! I ordered a beautiful condenser and it arrived in great condition, he also custom made a 19/38 U adapter for me out of two straight adapters and I am very impressed!

Well packaged glass and a couple little extras :)

P_VinnyandTheChig - 15-6-2012 at 04:21

I can also vouch for edgecase. I ordered some glassware from him including a 5L seperatory funnel and a mercury thermometer. He had it shipped internationally to my door in less than a week! The box is fortified, all the glassware is in great condition, he built an indestructable case for the thermometer, plus threw in some extras for me! Money well spent, and saved :D

Will buy from again!

sbbspartan - 3-7-2012 at 10:31

Another recommendation for edgecase. I bought some glassware from him including some flasks, a 400mm vigreux column, and a 50ml burette. Extremely cheap prices for good quality glassware. It was shipped VERY quickly for a fairly low rate. Everything was in great condition and packed very well. A couple of nice extras as well :D

Very good deal and great service. Thanks edgecase.