Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Help! Can't log in...

Hexavalent - 17-8-2012 at 11:15

Today I was fiddling around with some of the SM themes and then I leave the PC. I come back and try to login again to SM, but am denied entry to the Member Pubs and Forums sections. I get an error message: '403 Forbidden' followed by 'You don't have permission to access /talk/ on this server.' And then 'Apache Server at port 80'.

I have tried using different browsers and different computers running different operating systems in our house, all connected to the same Wireless Network, but get the same results on each one. I am typing this now via my BlackBerry telephone. What has happened here, how do I fix it and gain access again to the forums?

Many thanks

Hexavalent - 17-8-2012 at 11:22

Good Lord, it's working again now.

Anyone else had the same issue?

plante1999 - 17-8-2012 at 11:31

Yes, me.

I wait one hour or two then I can access again.

bob800 - 17-8-2012 at 18:46

This has happened to me a loooooonng time ago after I used HTTrack in an attempt to archive this site (I stopped it early after realizing what an insane task it would be). Perhaps the forum software prevents users from exceeding some sort of "data cap"?? Anyhow, everything went back to normal the next day...