Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Lost info and lost members...

APO - 31-5-2013 at 04:29

What ever happened to the Roguesci site, the Controversial Chem Lab, Rhodium, and the members like Megalomania, Rhodium and Axt? If there are any archives of the Chemical Weapon posts from the Controversial Chem Lab that would be greatly appreciated, or just a complete archive of Megalomania's site/sites. I've never been able to obtain information of this sort, but either way it would be amazing. I'm not planning to do any harm to anyone or anything, I just really want to know this stuff.

Bot0nist - 31-5-2013 at 04:35

Did you saerch SciMad for these terms? This has been brought up before. There are better sources of info out there though. Megalomania himself even expressed that many of the writeups on his site were full of errors or even completly unworkable.
See the first line of my signature...

Mildronate - 31-5-2013 at 05:33

info is not lost there is roguesci forum archive in internet, rhodium archive. I more interested in where is rhodium himself and who he was :)

Bot0nist - 31-5-2013 at 05:46 for rhodium...

Tdep - 31-5-2013 at 06:17

Megalomania's site is down?!? :O That site was great!

APO - 31-5-2013 at 23:30

Please just tell me anything, about what they did, posted, what happened, and who they were. I've found a little bit of stuff, but I want to see what you guys know about this.

Fantasma4500 - 1-6-2013 at 03:09

megalomania is down but you can however get roguesci using isohunt com
torrent site..
then you can go in energetics section they have plenty of stuff.. literally a-z list (:
lets face it tho.. there will always be conflicting data on synthesises..

APO - 1-6-2013 at 06:04

Is it the ENTIRE archive? Not just Energetics posts? Does it have the Chemical Weapons Section? I can never find that.

Bot0nist - 1-6-2013 at 06:19

Have you read "The War Gasses" ?
It is in the forum library, IIRC.

APO - 1-6-2013 at 19:34

Thank you, that helps a lot. I didn't see VX or Sarin in there though.

[Edited on 2-6-2013 by APO]