Sciencemadness Discussion Board

pha as fertilizer?

splooge - 7-3-2014 at 19:34

Im new to the forums here (first post :D!!)

Ive been reading alot about mitogens (particularly phytohaemagglutinin). Everything I can find really only pertains to humans and other mammals. But I have been stuck on the idea that it could be used to grow plants at a faster rate

Has anybody got experience trying something like this? Or where I could find reading material? I interested in experimenting with it as an additive to fertilizer and learning a bit more about manipulating plant growth.


splooge - 10-3-2014 at 00:10

It wouldnt allow me to edit. I guess too much time has passed.

where I live its very hard to grow plants and the season is so short. Would a mitogen like pha be worth experimenting with to speed up plant growth, are there any better options? I think it would be a rather neat experiment. :cool:

Anyone have experience with this or any insight at all? :D