Sciencemadness Discussion Board

other essentials

lunarxiii - 25-12-2004 at 11:18

I am curious to know if there is an analogus list of essential oils or something of that nature to Shulgin's essential amphetamines for the tryptamine or atropine class of drugs. I have the essential amphetamines list from the TMA entry in PiHKAL, but I wonder if it is possible, or perhaps has already been done for tryptamines or the atropines. I am doing a study of atropine analogs for my senior thesis, so I want to know if anyone has any leads off hand before I delve into further research.

Essential Oils

ChipperTheDog - 25-12-2004 at 15:47

The Merck Index has a list of all essential oils, their structure and references to extraction methods. I hope this is for informational purposes only. It's difficult enough to buy chemicals and labware.

lunarxiii - 27-12-2004 at 07:22

i am not looking to do any illegal synthesis, this research is for my senior thesis. i was just curious if there was a correlation between any of the other psychedelic classes and defined "natural" classes as there is between the essential amphetamines and the essential oils.
in fact, i don't see what your response has anything to do with what i was asking. i understand your concern, but you should consider saving your wise counsol for those who need such wisdom. i apologize if my question was not specific enough to address what i was after.

[Edited on 27-12-2004 by lunarxiii]