Sciencemadness Discussion Board

HC2H3O2 + NH4NO3 =????

kclo4 - 5-3-2005 at 19:13

I read some ware that acetic acid and ammonium nitrate react exothermically but I do not under stand how since HC2H3O2 is much weaker then HNO3 so what would the reaction be?

sparkgap - 6-3-2005 at 09:37

This MSDS says that mixing the two will cause spontaneous ignition if mixed, especially if the acetic acid is concentrated.

Oh, and before you tell this guy to UTFSE, I searched also, and all the sites I saw just mentioned that the two were incompatible. :( Now I'm wondering too.

sparky (~_~)

kclo4 - 12-3-2005 at 18:10

Is it that know one knows or now one ever looks in this section

hodges - 13-3-2005 at 14:01

I don't know the answer, but I'm guessing that NH4NO3 acts as an oxidizing agent to the acetic acid. It would be kind of like mixing KNO3 with sugar. Its not a simple replacement reaction but an oxidation-reduction reaction. Just my guess.

12AX7 - 13-3-2005 at 14:34

So someone get out their GAA and AN and do it already :D