Sciencemadness Discussion Board

alternative catalysts

jimwig - 5-7-2005 at 17:03

this is way to obvious but what do you all know of alternatives to expensive and hard to obtain platinum group metals?

more specifically is there a ready replacement for platinum and paladium salts in reactions?

this is a general question and a single reaction is not in mind.

simple question from a simple mind -

neutrino - 5-7-2005 at 17:49


jimwig - 8-7-2005 at 13:34

otay spanky - as in Raney ?

guess my knowledge of catalysts goes like this these facilitate reactions involving hydrogen addition or substitution without entering into the reaction itself. (way to simple but i am the noob)

that is to say in laymans terms bonds are made and broke with both hydrogen and other atoms because of an effect of the catalyst.

that these can be recovered from the products and reused ad infinitum.

that these are not magic but within the reach of noobs the galaxy wide.