Sciencemadness Discussion Board

My new website with 3D molecules

vulture - 19-1-2003 at 15:20

I've put up a website with some 3D models of explosive

Please ask me before using any content for anything else than personal education.

Because of some server problems you might also want to try this link2

nice pics

Polverone - 19-1-2003 at 15:25

Do you think you could maybe do some short quicktimes or animated GIFs showing the molecules rotating? Also, those JPEGs seem a bit heavily compressed; there are very visible artifacts around the edges. Good work, though. What did you model them with?

Blind Angel - 19-1-2003 at 21:12

maybe you could but the .mol file on the site too would be cool since some molecule structure are realy hard to see

Blind Angel - 19-1-2003 at 21:29

Sorry about the last topic i though you did it with ISIS Draw

vulture - 20-1-2003 at 11:27

If someone could send me a mail expaning how to make animated gifs in photoshop i'll give it a try.

Although I think the chemsketch format has big advantages and chemsketch is a program everyone on this forum should have on his/her PC :P

everyone has chemsketch?

Polverone - 20-1-2003 at 14:45

Ha! Some of us don't have Windows, Mr. Smartypants! And that's by choice, not through poverty or Communist oppression :P

In ImageReady you can make animated GIFs by making a new layer for each frame of the animation and revealing (or hiding) layers over time.

Here's a good tutorial page:

Blind Angel - 20-1-2003 at 16:05

you can also use Animation Shop from Jasc (part of the Paint Shop Pro serie) prety easy to use, you just have to make many screenshot then adding them one after the other like a movie

Titan - 30-3-2005 at 06:49

Chemsketch are can be also used than Animation Shop.
Animated GIFs or movies are not diplayable for me in Polverone link.

My computer was hacked a few moths ago
where i visit my bank account and destroyed the plugins.

cyclonite4 - 30-3-2005 at 07:10

I use chemsketch, on my windows machine.
I got two computers on my desk, one for windows, one for a decent OS. :P

I'm so computer geekish... :)

Chemsketch rocks. I use it for 2D molecules though.

Organikum - 30-3-2005 at 08:58

The best viewer for molecules on the Windows platform is IMHO the Accelrys Viewerlite, which was available for free, but seems not to be anymore.

Therefor I put it up on the ftp.



sparkgap - 30-3-2005 at 09:11

Methinks nothing is prettier than a properly raytraced molecule. :D

Viewing that on a Silicon Graphics monitor is a treat I indulge in whenever I can.

sparky (^_^)

vulture - 30-3-2005 at 13:06

BTW, that website of mine is dead and buried. Old thread.

[Edited on 30-3-2005 by vulture]

Darkblade48 - 30-3-2005 at 15:23

LOL, how on earth did this get upturned...

cyclonite4 - 31-3-2005 at 00:52

Titan 'upturned' it, just read the dates on the posts.

vulture - 31-3-2005 at 10:40

I *might* reactivate this project, using better software and hence better rendering if there's much interest... But I might do so much!

Crap, finally vacation after a long and exhausting trimester and too tired to do something productive. Sigh.