Sciencemadness Discussion Board


lordmagnus - 2-3-2006 at 11:42

My glassware supplier came through for me, I've ordered the following from him;

SNYDER (3section, 250mm) COLUMN
HEMPLE (28mmx200mm) COLUMN

All this only cost 75$ with shipping, all the previous items I've gotten from him are of excellent quality, and I've test both the Liebig, and the 1000ml flask under vacume, all with excellent results.

Anyone needs anything,check him out. He's on E-BAY, "DP's GLASSSHOP", he does custom appartus as well.

chochu3 - 2-3-2006 at 18:59

This is a great place to get glassware he charged me for a full organic set for 85 dollars i believe.

lordmagnus - 9-3-2006 at 17:40

yeah, all mys stuff came in a few days ago, excellent quality as usuall. I have a quote request from him for a SOXHLET extraction aparatus right now I am waiting to here back from him on.

chochu3 - 9-3-2006 at 18:20

He renamed his store at ebay to DP glassblowing

lordmagnus - 16-3-2006 at 14:44

I got my 24/40 45/50 SOXHLET extractor, and an adapter from 45/50 to 24.40 so I can attach my ALLHIN Condenser. I am testing it out right now with some amateur scientist solvent (cheap vodka) and some green tea leaves in the chamber, I need to measure my chamber and see about ordering a glass thimble for it with a gourse frit disk in the bottom. I am using a cut down coffee filter for a thimble rght now (a little ackward).