Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Hematoxylin Stain preparation from Raw Hematoxylin

zenosx - 17-12-2014 at 17:32

Just received my raw hematoxylin for histology staining to go with my new scope. However, both Harris and Mayer use either potassium or ammonium Alum (aluminium ammonium sulphate) in the stains preparation. I do not currently have either of the above chems in my inventory and wondered if anyone knew of viable alternatives, etc.

I have been searching around the internet for over an hour and I mostly find educational/university preparations etc. on the stains prep. I only have 5g to work with as this stuff isn't cheap anymore so thought I would ask if there are any histology buffs that know more than I (exactly All of you)

Etaoin Shrdlu - 17-12-2014 at 17:36

Buy alum for canning from your local grocery. It is hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate. You should be able to get a small amount.

zenosx - 18-12-2014 at 14:39

Sweet thanks. I wasn't sure if that would be appropriate or not.