Sciencemadness Discussion Board

laser by fusor

darklight - 26-4-2015 at 20:43

guys do you think that generation of laser or maser by a fusor is possible
say that we are not talking of a vaccumised chamber but filled by gas just
like a co2 laser

i exist in the non existence - darklight(previously whiteshadow)

neptunium - 27-4-2015 at 05:15

the vacuum is required for the fusor to work ! a laser has a complete different set up! you are asking the wrong question I think.

darklight - 27-4-2015 at 19:45

oh sorry i didnt know that

quantumcorespacealchemyst - 30-6-2015 at 08:34

what about this supposed fusion from running close electrodes with high voltages (amps?) underwater? it is hard to tell if it is X-ray effect on the supposed neutron detectors that supposedly detect neutrons in some of the videos (the ones with detectors).