Sciencemadness Discussion Board

DMT ---> 4-HO-DMT?

totaljackass - 13-9-2006 at 13:54

I was comparing molecules on erowid, and I noticed that psilocin's only difference from DMT was the hydroxyl group attached to it. Would would it be possible to hydroxylate DMT, directly or indirectly, into psilocin?

Blind Angel - 13-9-2006 at 14:10

First think about getting regeant grade DMT, after think about it. Second the only good way I think is to use mushrooms (which according to is not a good way due to the inhibition created)

totaljackass - 13-9-2006 at 14:58

I don't really plan to do it, I'm just curious. I just want to know if it's possible, I don't really care about getting it. But I don't think it is from what I've looked at so far. Seems like you have to start with a simpler molecule.