Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Metal Powders

Vlad - 3-10-2006 at 13:48

I'm looking for (rather pure non to slightly oxidized) lead, tin & copper powder but can't readily find any online supplier (or one that is willing to sell to individuals).

Someone out there who can help me out and knows a supplier?

Shot might be fine too.

Waffles - 3-10-2006 at 17:14

I have very fine lab grade copper powder, actually between a powder and a dust. U2U?

woelen - 3-10-2006 at 22:32

Have a look at and look at the elements link, at the upper left corner of their home page.

They sell very pure lead, tin and copper (and besides that many other metals). The lead is in the form of fine granules (< 0.5 mm size), the tin is in the form of shot (appr. 2 mm size), the copper also is in the form of shot.

I have purchased quite a few metals from them. Emovendo is a nice supplier with acceptable prices.

Vlad - 4-10-2006 at 10:54

Thanks for the emovendo site link. It's what I wanted.
After posting this post yesterday I noticed and had a look at
It's too bad they don't do international orders. Are there similar sites out there where I can order about the stuff they have there and especially the things like sodium or potassium metal and different reagent salts in small quantities?

--> iamthewaffler,

U2U = ?

Fleaker - 4-10-2006 at 18:17

U2U is this board's equivalent of text messaging (a private, individual message system) so that you make talk with people outside of established threads. If you're in Europe, you might consider They're pricey yes, and he does do stuff mainly for displays, but if it's your only option...

Jdurg - 5-10-2006 at 07:20

Originally posted by Fleaker
U2U is this board's equivalent of text messaging (a private, individual message system) so that you make talk with people outside of established threads. If you're in Europe, you might consider They're pricey yes, and he does do stuff mainly for displays, but if it's your only option...

Yes, Juergen is quite pricey but a lot of the stuff he offers is insanely beautiful. If you contact him through the site and state that you're looking to get some sodium/potassium but not necessarily of the highest purity, he may be able to give you a better offer. I'm sure he has some lower quality samples that he'll be able to make a deal with you for.

woelen - 5-10-2006 at 14:56

To my opinion the price of the smart-elements site is highly inflated. Compare those prices with the prices of emovendo. These prices really are insane. At Emovendo's site you can buy 30 grams of Se for appr. EUR 10, and shipping only is $1.60 (appr. EUR 1.25). Smart elements asks EUR 10 for a 1 gram sample of the same type of Se corpuscles. No, this is not my favorite :( It is sad that Emovendo only has the more "safe" elements, but for a starter, these are very good. Emovendo also is present on eBay very often and then there are nice samples as well for fair prices.

Vlad - 8-10-2006 at 07:11

I'm from Europe yes. I've bought some at smart-elements not too long ago, but he didn't have lead or copper powder/shot.

I'm also looking for crystallized chloroauric acid HAuCl4, not AuCl3 crystals. Anyone know vendors that aren't too expensive? And whose chloroauric acid is of a purity that is pretty sulfur free? (Most gold having been precipitated with sulfur dioxide prior to converting to chloride would probably still contain traces of sulfur which I don't want).