Sciencemadness Discussion Board

File Hosting

Eliteforum - 11-11-2006 at 05:48

Right, I tried downloading a few small files from the References section, but the links were dead. Not too much of a worry as I didn't need the files, it was just something to read on a train ride.

Anyways, I have a domain and some space, so I whipped up a script so you can upload files so you have somewhere reliable to store files. All the files will be checked daily by me, as I don't want people to start taking the piss and using it to host music/videos/porn etc..

Use it for what it's for and everyone is happy, abuse it and you spoil it for everyone else.

If the file is larger than 5mb (the size limit) your welcome to split it into smaller segments, but please don't upload anything that's larger than say 10mb (for now). File extensions allowed: Jpeg, Jpg, Png, Gif, Bmp, Zip, Rar, PDF. If more/other's are needed, let me know and I can modify the code to accept the new file type.

You are welcome to share this link with others if you want, and are welcome to use it as an alternative to Imageshack or Photobucket etc..

Anyways, the link is HERE