Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Help! Copper Xylene Mixture?

Porcelina - 13-2-2017 at 15:12

Hi there! I am relatively new to growing crystals but recently saw a fellow online who had seemingly managed to grow metal sinews over an already formed crystal ~ He mentioned "suspending aa copper xylene mixture onto the crystals and solution". Wondering if anyone could possibly lead me into the right direction on how do something so wonderful! I've included a photo.

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PHILOU Zrealone - 14-2-2017 at 14:40

Maybe put the link to the text, article, video so we can judge by ourself...seems something isn't right...

Xylene is a liquid...maybe a typo was made and the product was in fact Xylitol or Xylenol which are solids.

Also "suspending aa copper xylene mixture onto the crystals and solution"...seems vague and inaccurate...
--> suspending happens into a liquid or solid not onto...
but coating may happen onto a solid not onto a liquid.
--> aa amino acid or a typo doubling of a single a